On 9/25/19 2:43 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:> Not *too* bothered at loyal. But now that you mention it,
"interested" (and interests groups) feels like one of those terms that
has too many definitions/usages so might be confusung.  Hmm... Maybe
domains, departments, ministries, or bureaus?

I used "interest groups" to mirror Alexis' "parties" since in politics, the two are often related. However, I'm not sure how well the analogy fits anymore. Out of your four suggestions, "ministry" sounds nice to me.

Sorry, wasn't clear!   I replied to this point separately because it
was a more general question to everyone of "should we do this anyway"
(outside of this particular proposal).

I was just trying to respond to more at the same time and I conflated the comments. Sorry about that.


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