I'm thinking of creating a GitHub repo called "Reporter" which will
hold these for now, and hopefully eventually hold something more
interesting, like actual newsletters.

Events and discussions from the Agoran week 2019-11-04..10:

# Notable events

* With 2 Agoran Consest, our H. Herald, G., awards Jason Cobb the
  patent title Master of Nomic for eir thesis on the Ruleset.

* Election updates:

  * The Prime Minister election continues. twg sends an ambiguous
    message which may or may not make em a candidate. This is CFJ 3779,
    except that CFJ might not exist; CFJ 3780 covers that question.

  * Falsifian wins the uncontested election for Speaker.

  * H. Assessor Jason Cobb initiates an election for Assessor, and
    becomes a candidate.

* Voting continues on Proposals 8266-8274.

* twg judges CFJ 3776 FALSE: ais523 is not a player.

* G. declares Fruits of Persistence of Patience, submitted by ais523,
  to be the winner of the unofficial subgame-in-a-rule contest.

* The November zombie auction begins, with one zombie for sale.

# Scams

* Jason Cobb attempts to transfer 500 of D. Margaux's coins to emself,
  arguing that the language of Rules 478 and 2577 allows em to do so.
  This is CFJ 3781, assigned to G.. There is much debate between Jason
  Cobb and others on the threads "This one's a scam", "[Arbitor] CFJ
  3781 Assigned to G." and "proto-judgement of 3781".

  * Jason Cobb submits a proposal to clarify the rules. Thread: "This
    one's a fix proposal".

# Rule building

* Aris publishes a plan for updating the way obligations such as
  contracts and pledges work, and proposes to re-introduce a kind of
  entity from 2013 called a "promise" [0].

# Miscellaneous

* Cuddle Beam resubmits a thesis for peer review. Thread: "humble
  agoran farmer dies in uni but is back and resubmits their theses yet
  again". Discussion resumes from the last time e submitted it.

* Jason Cobb's attempt to auction off one karma fails: nobody bid.

* Our H. Promotor Aris publishes a draft style guide for proposals.
  Thread: "Draft Promotor Style Guide".

# Subgames and culture

* As a tournament, Gaelan proposes a game of Nomic where proposals are
  private. One concern is it could degenerate into a simple "Benefit a
  Majority, Punish a Minority"; this happened in the Agora XX
  Tournament. The game of Diplonomic is mentioned incidentally. Thread:
  "Proto-tournament: Nomaoic"

* Nch publishes a revised version of "The Carny", which e published a
  proto for last week, omitting the "turnips" part of the rule as
  requiring further work. Thread: "Proposal: The Carny".


- Falsifian

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