On 1/30/2020 9:16 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> Anyway, I like G.'s proposal, but why even require a reasonably
>> accurate tally for it to be self-ratifying? Just require
>> decision+outcome, and make the rest SHALL.
> I went back and forth on that as a possibility - I don't have a strong reason
> so maybe a SHALL is best - the only issue being what Alexis pointed out, that
> if we want (as e suggested) to require the Assessor respond to inaccurate
> tallies that don't change the result, we need to hard-code that, if the
> individual ballots don't self-ratify.  (A special category of "no this doesn't
> self ratify but the Officer has to respond to the CoE anyway").

So - just checking here.  Under the current R208, it would be fine to say "the
Decision on Proposal X had 8 voters, and a total strength of 18 FOR and 6
AGAINST, and was therefore ADOPTED" without mentioning any particular voter's
name, right?  Do we want to mandate actual name reporting?


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