On 2/19/20 10:20 AM, Kerim Aydin via agora-official wrote:
> The below CFJ is 3810.  I assign it to Jason.
> status: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/#3810
> ===============================  CFJ 3810  ===============================
>       It is generally POSSIBLE to act on behalf of a zombie to transfer
>       karma.
> ==========================================================================

At [0], G. wrote:

> I think there was a court case that found that "publishing an X"
> where X is a specific action that the principal CAN do in the rules by
> publishing it (like a Notice of Honour or support/objection) was (in the
> language of R2466) a "performing a specific action within a message" rather
> than simply "sending a message".
> I remember disagreeing with the judgement but then we added that specific
> zombie-limitation to R2532 when we did a big negotiated zombie nerf.
> (unfortunately I think the CFJ happened in the database gap between CFJs
> 3585 and 3634, maybe someone else remembers more precisely...).

If such a CFJ actually exists, I think the one I'm assigned would be
very easily determined from it. I glanced at all of the Court Gazettes
in the time period within the 3585-3634 gap, and didn't seem anything
that looks relevant, and I also searched the H. Arbitor's archive on
GitHub for the words "publish" and "publishing", and, after glancing at
all of the results, I was unable to find such a CFJ.

Does anybody have any idea which CFJ G. might be referring to?


Jason Cobb

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