The list was silently dropping messages for 3 hours or so.  It should
be working now.

This started when I "fixed" the SMTP server's RCPT TO whitelist, which
had previously been nonfunctional, to only allow mail to specific
valid addresses.  This was meant to block invalid
incoming mail.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize that this whitelist –
unlike the more coarse-grained recipient-domain whitelist that was
always in place – also applied to *outgoing* mail, such as copies of
messages sent from the list to subscribers.  So the list received
messages, and added them to the archives, but, since list subscribers'
email addresses are not, the SMTP server refused to
deliver them to anyone.

Since this was a permanent failure code, Mailman then dropped the
messages on the floor rather than leaving them in a queue to be
auto-redelivered.  I tried redelivering them semi-manually based on
the archives copy, but gave up: in part because it wasn't working, in
part because I realized I didn't want to create any legal ambiguity
regarding authorship.  (G., that experimentation is why you just got a
bounce notification or two from "test-list".  Sorry about that.)

Here are the affected messages.  I suggest resending the PF ones, as
they aren't valid public messages without being delivered to
(BUS: Re: OFF: [Herald] A Huff that Slipped Through the Cracks)
(OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette)
(DIS: Mailing List woes?)

Plus 3 more test messages on a-d I won't bother linking.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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