> On May 25, 2020, at 16:12, Reuben Staley via agora-discussion 
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On 2020-05-24 23:50, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
>>> On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 8:26 PM nch via agora-discussion
>>> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>>> On Sunday, May 24, 2020 4:44:42 PM CDT Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
>>> wrote:
>>>> This is a reform of the degrees system. It has been bothering me for
>>>> ages that we don't have clear criteria for what theses qualify for
>>>> each degree. For instance, no one seems to be sure whether artistic
>>>> works can qualify for a degree. This proposal would establish
>>>> standards (in terms of level of contribution, not word-count), create
>>>> a separate track of degrees for artistic works, and (while I'm at it)
>>>> rename Doctor degrees to Doctorate degrees to match all the other
>>>> degrees in being gender neutral. I hope this will be favorably
>>>> received, but I'm somewhat scared that G. will find something in here
>>>> to grumble about, so I'm submitting it as a proto first. :)
>>>> -Aris
>>>> ---
>>>> Title: College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
>>>> Adoption index: 3.0
>>>> Author: Aris
>>>> Co-author(s):
>>>> Amend Rule 1367, "Degrees", by changing it to read as follows:
>>>> Certain patent titles are known as degrees. The degrees are
>>>>       - Associate of Nomic                 (A.N.)
>>>>       - Juris Doctorate of Nomic           (J.N.)
>>>>       - Baccalaureate of Nomic Artistry    (B.N.A.)
>>>>       - Baccalaureate of Nomic             (B.N.)
>>>>       - Magisteriate of Nomic Artistry     (M.N.A)
>>>>       - Magisteriate of Nomic              (M.N.)
>>>>       - Doctorate of Nomic History         (D.N.Hist.)
>>>>       - Doctorate of Nomic Artistry        (D.N.Art.)
>>>>       - Doctorate of Nomic Law             (D.N.Law.)
>>>>       - Doctorate of Nomic Science         (D.N.Sci.)
>>>>       - Doctorate of Nomic Philosophy      (D.N.Phil.)
>>>>       Degrees are ranked in the order they appear in this rule, with
>>>>       degrees listed later being ranked higher. A specific degree CANNOT
>>>>       be awarded to any person more than once.
>>> Is it intentional that this means there's a hierarchy among the Doctorates
>>> (and Magisteriates and Baccalaureates)? Seems a little strange conceptually.
>>> Although very appropriate for Agora that Philosophy ranks highest.
>> *shrug*
>> It's that way now, but I can change it. It is strange conceptually.
> Perhaps a few tiers?
> - Associate Tier: A.N.
> - Baccalaureate Tier: J.N., B.N.A., B.N.
> - Magesteriate Tier: M.N.A., M.N.
> - Doctorate Tier: D.N.*
> Each tier rates higher than all those above it, representing an increase in 
> contribution, but each variety of degree in each tier is considered equal.
> -- 
> Trigon

I like it the way that it is and would like to keep it as it is because it is 
reflective of how degrees are treated at most universities.

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