G. mentioned last week that e was interested in bringing back the
appeals court. I like that idea, but while doing some other research,
I ran across a fun mechanism, which I would like to play with in the
interim. Here's a slightly modified version of the old mechanism as a
Title: External Opinions
AI: 1.7
Author: P.S.S.

Reenact Rule 1365, "External Opinions" at power-1.7 with the following text:
      A player CAN submit an External Concurring or Dissenting opinion
      for a given CFJ decision, decided in the past week, with 1 Support.
      The opinion must reference the CFJ in question and clearly indicate
      that it is an opinion to be appended to that CFJ. The opinion should
      be accompanied by reasons or arguments. The Arbitor SHALL append any
      properly submitted opinion to the CFJ in question, along with a list
      of the Player who submitted that opinion and the player(s) who
      supported it.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
  • DIS: Draft Proposal: ... Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-discussion

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