sure i favour this

On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 11:29 AM Jason Cobb via agora-business <> wrote:

> I CFJ: "The game of Agora will never end."
> Evidence:
> {
> > Rule 101/17 (Power=4)
> > The Game of Agora
> >
> >       Agora is a game of Nomic, wherein Persons, acting in accordance
> >       with the Rules, communicate their game Actions and/or results of
> >       these actions via Fora in order to play the game. The game may be
> >       won, but the game never ends.
> >
> >       Please treat Agora Right Good Forever.
> }
> Arguments:
> {
> This case asks the court to evaluate a statement about the future. While
> this would normally easily get a DISMISS verdict (or similar), Rule 101
> asserts that "the game never ends", which is statement that is
> relatively close to the one of this case. This is especially significant
> because Rule 101 is the Rule of the highest precedence - it is at the
> highest possible power for a Rule and has the lowest number; any
> statement in it is thus the Truth for the purposes of the game.
> Of course, Rule 101 could be repealed, along with Rule 1698 (Agora Is A
> Nomic). Doing this would permit the game to be ended by proposal. If we
> were to assume that didn't happen, the inevitable heat death of the
> universe is also coming for us, although even that might not end the
> game, given the precedent in CFJ 3580.
> }
> --
> Jason Cobb

>From R. Lee

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