On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 6:09 PM Jason Cobb via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I point my finger at the H. Arbitor for failing to assign a judge to CFJ
> 1706 in a timely fashion, although I request that the H. Referee not
> punish em too harshly.
> CFJ 1706 [0] was judged by the Pineapple Partnership, which at the time,
> was legally a person and thus eligible to judge judicial cases. However,
> Rule 869 does not currently define any partnerships as persons:
> >       Any organism that is generally capable of freely originating and
> >       communicating independent thoughts and ideas is a person. Rules to
> >       the contrary notwithstanding, no other entities are persons.
> Rule 991 says:
> >       Judge is an untracked CFJ switch with possible values of any
> >       person or "unassigned" (default).
> and
> >       When a CFJ's judge is unassigned, the Arbitor CAN assign any
> >       eligible player to be its judge by announcement, and SHALL do so
> >       in a timely fashion.
> Because the Pineapple Partnership is not a person, at some point in the
> past, CFJ 1706's Judge came to have the default value of "unassigned" by
> Rule 2162:
> > If an instance of a switch would otherwise fail to have a possible value, 
> > it comes to have its default value.
> Seeing as CFJ 1706 is unassigned, the Arbitor SHALL assign an eligible
> player to it in a timely fashion. E has not done so in the previous
> week, and this has failed to meet this requirement.
> [0]: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/?1706
> --
> Jason Cobb

I need to conduct a more thorough investigation before resolving this,
but on a first pass, R911 is poorly drafted because it imposes a
requirement to do something "in a timely fashion" after every
continuous moment in a series, which makes me wonder whether G. has
violated this rule infinitely many times. Obviously, that's not the
intent and not an interpretation I plan to take, but I do think we
should rephrase it.

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