On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 6:44 PM Rebecca via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I initiate an election for ADoP (again) because Murphy wants to contest it.
> I become a candidate. Campaign pitch: I will actually publish a report
> weekly and do everything else in a reasonable time because I'm an active
> player.

I also become a candidate. Campaign pitch: I will make my reports so
incredibly confusing that no one will ever know who holds which office, let
alone whether or not e is fulfilling eir official responsibilities. Expect
me to say lots of things like (for instance, not necessarily true at
present) "the Assessor is a player whose nickname does not contain the
letter m and who first registered in September" and "the Rulekeepor's
weekly report is late if and only if the sum of the final two digits of
ack(15, 7) odd". All of my reports will be sent directly to players, rather
than to the list, and designed to trip their spam filters and get sent to
spam, technically arriving in their technical domain of control. Any other
measures I can think of, or that the Agoran public may suggest, will be
employed to frustrate the punishment of delinquent officers. Vote Aris for

(Intentionally sent to this list. This is a humor piece only.)


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