On 6/19/2020 5:25 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-official wrote:
>       A contract which has no explicit mechanism for joining may still
>       be joined by other parties in some cases.

>       The Plunder Partnership as it existed on June 15, 2020 could be
>       joined by other players.

Rough Draft

The rules provide only one method for joining an existing contract:
>      A contract may be modified,
>      including by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all
>      existing parties.

That's literally the only way to join, even if the contract text says
otherwise.  This is further limited by the fact that the final
confirmation of consent must be public (elsewhere in the rule) and that
the joining party must also consent (R2611).

So what's the purpose of a "method" in a contract itself?

That's to streamline the process of determining whether the existing
parties (EPs) consent as per R2519, either through:
>      2. e is party to a contract whose body explicitly and
>          unambiguously indicates eir consent;
>      4. it is reasonably clear from context that e wanted the action to
>         take place or assented to it taking place.

(in other words, by agreeing to that contract text, they're consenting to
anyone joining who follows the contract instructions to do so).

If the contract says players CAN join, but doesn't provide a method, it
means the EPs consent to the joining by any legal method.  Of course, as
mentioned above, the only legal method for the new party to join is to
consent in public using this:
>      1. e, acting as emself, has publicly stated that e agrees to the
>         action and not subsequently publicly withdrawn eir statement;

This leads to judgements of TRUE for these cases.

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