On Tue, 23 Jun 2020 at 00:15, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> It's generally agreed that the PAoaM economic model didn't work out. Unlike
> the shinies economy, which is generally agreed to have suffered from
> unpredictable boom bust cycles that were more annoying than anything else,
> I don't know any consensus about why it failed. And unlike Politics, which
> was IMO an excellent system that failed almost entirely due to simple
> disinterest, in PAoaM's case I think there was a problem in the economy
> itself. What was the problem? Why did PAoaM fail?
> I'm thinking about future possible economies, which I may discuss further
> on the Discord. Nothing near term (we have sets right now), just things we
> can transition to when we get bored of this economic model. Not knowing why
> PAoaM failed makes it hard to avoid the same fate.
> -Aris

What's PAoaM?

I'm looking forward to nch's Economics thesis, if e is still working on it!

- Falsifian

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