I have a couple protos I'd like some feedback on. I think these would both be good additions but they're just drafts at this point.

Title: If it's not pending we don't care
AI: 3

Amend Rule 1607 "Distribution" by removing the following paragraphs:

- The paragraph beginning "If a proposal has been in the proposal pool
  for more than 7 days"; and
- The paragraph beginning "The Promotor's report includes a list"

then, by appending to the paragraph beginning "In a given Agoran week"
the following:

      When e does this, all Proposals that were in the Proposal Pool and
      not pending at the beginning of that week are destroyed.

Title: Offices are complex
AI: 1

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Complexity" with the text:

      Complexity is an office switch with the possible values of all
      integers from 0 to 3 inclusive, where 1 is the default. It is
      tracked in the ADoP's weekly report. The ADoP CAN, with 2 Agoran
      consent, flip the complexity of an office.

Amend Rule 2496 "Rewards" by amending the text "5 coins" in the bullet
point beginning "Publishing an office's weekly or monthly report" to
read "5 coins times the complexity of the office" and in the bullet
point beginning "Resolving a referendum" to read "5 coins times the
complexity of the Assessor".


transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this

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