OK, so here's what's going on: I received a proposal along the lines of "these 
players get 100 points. They all win." I won't reveal the names or number of 
these players for obvious reasons, but, at the point when it happened, it was 
exactly enough players to pass a proposal… as long as Cuddlebeam's NttPF 
registration didn't count. To be honest, I'm pretty disappointed—it's a very 
early and unsatisfying end, *and* it relies on someone accidentally sending a 
message NttPF, which IMO is rather unsportsmanlike. I have several options in 
front of me, and I'd like some advice on where to go.

1) I could end the game, declaring these players as winners and giving up on 
the tournament. This is the most "technically correct" option, but also the 
most disappointing for me and other people that actually wanted to try playing 
this. But perhaps the fact that this was the first proposal is a pretty good 
indication that the idea wasn't that workable in the first place.
2) I could do that, then start another free tournament. If I did so, I'd 
probably add a rule that exactly one player could win—I think the ability to 
declare multiple winners makes a bit of a mess of the incentives in a nomic 
like this. This has the advantage of giving the players their (somewhat) 
deserved win, but gives us another opportunity at actually playing this. The 
disadvantage is that it might cheapen both the tournament victory and (through 
the proliferation of free tournaments) Agoran wins as a whole.
3) As above, but with an entirely unofficial tournament, played on DIS or on 
another forum entirely.
4) Find some way to wiggle out of the win, probably by ruling that CuddleBeam's 
registration succeeded. I have fairly large latitude over the adjudication of 
the rules, but even so, this might be a bit of a stretch; I think the two 
options would be to rule that "public" means something other than what it means 
in an Agoran context, or to use my ability to arbitrarily reconcile errors made 
in adjudication (I already recorded Cuddlebeam as a player upon eir first 
registration) to "ratify" the fact that Cuddlebeam registered. In some way, 
this feels like the "fairest" option (again, I strongly look down upon abuses 
of NttPF messages), but it is also a fairly significant judicial intervention.



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