On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 5:48 PM nix via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I submit but pendn't the following proposal. As usual, looking for feedback 
> before pending.
> (Also looking for deals to efficiently liquidate my legislative card.)
> {
> Title: Strengthening Extra Votes
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: nix
> Co-authors:
> [
> This proposal does three things:
> * Removes all passive Voting Strength bonuses. They rarely make a
>   difference and I don't think I've ever seen someone intentionally use
>   them.

These aren't intended to be intentionally used; they're intended to
reflect the content of the proposal. I'd strike everything after the
"and". On the other hand, them never making a difference is a big
enough thing on its own to merit their removal.


> Amend R2422, "Voting Strength" by replacing:
>       A player CAN Buy Strength by paying 1 Extra Vote and specifying a
>       current Agoran decision on which e is a voter. For each time a
>       player has Bought Strength on a decision, eir voting strength is
>       1 greater on that decision. If the decision is on a proposal, and
>       the proposal's chamber and the player's focus are the same value,
>       then eir voting strength is instead 2 greater on that decision.
>       A player CANNOT Buy Strength for the same decision more than 3
>       times.
> with:
>       A player CAN Buy Strength by paying 1 Extra Vote. A player's
>       Voting Strength on an Agoran Decision is 1 greater for every time
>       e Bought Strength during that decision's voting period.

Should there still be a bonus if the proposal's ministry is the same
as their focus? I'd prefer to add that, but if you don't want to you
should delete chambers because they would be redundant (AFAICT).


> Enact a new Power 1 rule titled "Strongest Voter Privilege" with them
> following text:
>       The sole player, if any, who had the highest voting strength among
>       all votes cast on all decisions resolved in the last 7 days CAN
>       once grant emself a Voting Card by announcement.

Should we be concerned about the "rich get richer" problem here?


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