Aris wrote:

When I was going through the rules to find CAN instances without
methods that need fixing, I found a bunch of other places where CAN
and other MMI terms were just used... weirdly. Not all of them are
even obviously incorrect, but all of the instances in this proposal at
least felt out of place to me, and some didn't make sense at all. I
don't expect this to patch actual breakages, just to resolve things
that might sound weird or get interpreted oddly in some strange edge

Amend Rule 107, "Initiating Agoran Decisions", by replacing:

   The vote collector for a decision with less than two options
   CAN and SHALL end the voting period by announcement, if it has not
   ended already, and provided that e resolves the decision in the
   same message.


   The vote collector for a decision with less than two options
   CAN end the voting period by announcement, if it has not
   ended already, and provided that e resolves the decision in the
   same message.

This may be more of a change than you intended, as it removes the
penalty for the vote collector failing to do any of this.

Amend Rule 2573, "Impeachment", by replacing:

   A player CAN be expelled (impeached) from a specified elected
   office which e holds with 2 Agoran consent.


   A player CAN be expelled (impeached) from a specified elected
   office which e holds by any player with 2 Agoran consent.

Intent is clear, but this feels clunky. How about:

      Any player CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, expel (impeach) the
      holder of a specified elected office.

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