> On Apr 10, 2021, at 10:40 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> It's a bit weird that to get a comprehensive list of all current and
> former players, one has to consult two different reports. I've fixed
> that by adding information on the registration dates of former players
> to my Registrar's monthlies informally. This would make that official.
> -Aris
> ---
> Title: Players, Past and Present
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: Jason
> Amend Rule 2139, "The Registrar", by replacing:
>  The Registrar's monthly report includes:
>      1. For each former player for which the information is reasonably
>         available, the dates on which e registered and deregistered.
> with
>  The Registrar's monthly report includes:
>      1. For each current or former player for which the information is
>         reasonably available, each date on which e registered or
>         deregistered.

I proto-vote FOR.


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