> On Jun 4, 2021, at 2:58 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business 
> <agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I submit (but do not pend) the following proposal:
> Title: Gauntlet announcement patch
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Jason
> Coauthors:
> {
> Amend Rule 2644 (The Gauntlet) to read, in whole:
> {
> A player CAN, by announcement, Notice the Gauntlet, specifying a single
> player that owns 5 or more stones. When e does, the specified player
> Wields the Gauntlet.

This could be simplified to:

A player CAN, by announcement, cause a single player that owns 5 or more
stones to Wields the Gauntlet.

But the current wording isn't too bad, and "Notice the Gauntlet" is
a mildly amusing term I'd be sad to lose.

> When a player Wields the Gauntlet, e wins the game, then all existing
> stones are transferred to Agora.
> }
> [This removes the possibility of accidentally causing someone to Wield
> the Gauntlet by changing the "correct announcement" to a specific
> action. For instance, I am concerned that a Stonemason's weekly report
> might be considered such an announcement.]
> }
> -- 
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

Also, I think we normally give economic wins some amount of a notice
period; I guess it's more important with something like coins or VPs,
where others can prevent the win by gaining more of the asset, but
even with stones, I can see some situations where it'd be nice:

- Someone could break the win with the Soul Stone
- Someone who doesn't want to win (thinks the stones they have are
  worth more than a win, maybe) can give away a stone

But that could be a separate proposal.


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