Proto: The Firm

[A change in the way vote cards lead to votes]

Enact a Rule, "The Firm" (Power 2), with this text:
      The Firm is a secured ordered list of players. HR is an office;
      the firm as it was at the beginning of the week is part of HR's
      weekly report.  A player's position on the list is their Employee

      If a player is not on the list, or their position on the list
      is indeterminate, they are unemployed. Whenever a set of players
      becomes unemployed, HR CAN by announcement, and SHALL in a
      timely fashion, add them to the bottom of the firm in random
      order. [*]

      The Nth position in the firm is held by the player in the Nth
      ordinal position on the list.  To promote someone is to move em
      up one position in the firm (towards the lowest ordinal position
      on the list), to demote someone is the opposite.

      All active players are board members. A board member CAN, as a
      board action, promote a specified player for a fee of N extra
      votes, or demote a specified player for a fee of 2*N extra votes,
      where N is one plus the number of board actions that member has
      previously performed in the week.

[* this mechanism probably needs wording work.  Intent is that if Alice
becomes unemployed, than later Bob and Carol simultaneously, then finally
Dan, that HR would add Alice first, then Bob&Carol in random order, then
Dan.  On adoption, all players would become unemployed so the first
addition would be completely random].

[TODO: rename Extra Votes and Vote Cards to Extra Shares and Share Cards -
take into account possible Votives name switch]

Enact a Rule, "Org Chart" (Power 2), with this text:

      The employee positions (Employee #s) in the firm are named as
      follows and are in the indicated categories:

      Top Brass
        1.  President
        2.  CEO

      Middle Management
        3.  Executive Assistant
        4.  Marketing
        5.  R & D
        6.  Logistics

      All other positions are in the category "Staff" and are staff
      members.  Employee #7 is also known as the owner's nephew.

      The Bonus for each position is set at the beginning of each week
      as +6 for top brass, +3 for middle management, -1 for the owner's
      nephew, and 0 for all other staff and the unemployed.  On an
      ordinary referendum, the voting strength of a board member is
      adjusted by their bonus at the time the referendum was initiated.
      Notwithstanding the rest of this paragraph, the bonus for the holder
      of HR is +2.

Enact a Rule, "Performance Reviews" (Power 2):

      A valid Notice of Promotions is a public document that:
         * is clearly labelled as a notice of promotions;
         * is published by a person explicitly authorized by the rules
           to do so; and
         * clearly specifies one player in the top brass, one player in
           middle management, and one player in staff.

      Upon the publication of a valid notice of promotions:
         1. the indicated top brass player is moved to the bottom of
            the firm;
         2. then the indicated middle management player is moved to the
            position in the firm formerly held by that top brass player;
         3. and finally, the indicated staff player is moved to the
            position in the firm formerly held by that middle management

      Once per month, the HR CAN and SHALL publish a notice of promotions.

Enact a Rule, Strikes (Power 2):

      If no strikes have been initiated or resolved in the last 30 days,
      a staff member (the instigator) CAN Trigger a Strike with Notice,
      optionally specifying a single different staff member as eir

      A player who announces intent to trigger a strike, or supports such
      an intent, becomes a Striker ("goes on strike") for the purposes of
      that strike intent.  When a strike intent is announced, any
      specified lieutenant goes on strike a moment after the instigator.
      When a player goes on strike, e is demoted.

      After a strike is triggered, HR CAN once and SHALL in a timely
      fashion resolve the strike by randomly determining and publishing
      whether the strike succeeds.  The
      strike succeeds with probability (S/P) where S is the number of
      strikers and P is the number of players, as calculated when the
      strike is triggered.

      If the strike fails, all strikers are demoted, in reverse order
      to the order they went on strike.

      If a strike succeeds, the following happens in sequence:
        1.  All players become unemployed;
        2.  Strikers are added to the list in the order they went on
        3.  An election for HR is initiated, if one is not ongoing.
        [The remainder of the unemployed would be added randomly as
         described in the previous rule, though something explicit
         could be included here]

Amend Rule 2645 (The Stones) by appending the following full list item:
      - Organization Stone (monthly, 60%): The wielder CAN publish
        a notice of promotions when e wields this stone.

      - Charisma Stone (weekly, 40%): The wielder specifies a
        previously-published but unresolved intent to trigger a
        strike and either +1 or -1.  That strike is considered
        to have either one more or one less striker when
        determining the strike's success.

[TODO: adjust Power Stone wielding]

Amend Rule 2422 (Voting Strength) by removing the following text:
      A player CAN Buy Strength by paying a fee of 1 Extra Share.

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