Trigon wrote:

On 06/08/2021 03:44, Ned Strange via agora-business wrote:
There are too many coins. let's delete some. This will do nothing but u
know aesthetics.

I create and pend the following proposal by using a pendant

Title: decimation times 9
Ai 1
Create a power 1 rule called "temporary inflation reduction" with the text "At the end of the month this rule was adopted, each entity's coin balance
is divided by 10, rounded to the nearest whole number. This rule then
automatically repeals itself."

This neglects the buoyancy variables. They'll still be at their normal values until the start of the next month. If this passes, this will be the equivalent of 220 current coins per boatload. That will destabilize everything.

Furthermore, if there are any auctions going on when this passes, we will all have bid far over what we intended. There isn't really an easy way to counteract that if there are no special cases, other than to all agree to bid using new values and potentially screw someone over who isn't in on the plan. I'd prefer to give auction bids a special case if we want to pass this.

Also, I remember back when we were hashing out this system, we mentioned including special cases for specific contracts whose values are contingent on exact values in coins. Perhaps we should also discuss that before this goes up for vote.

Also also, what's to stop someone with N coins from creating floor(N/6)
locker contracts and transferring 6 coins to each one? (Right before the
end of the month, to avoid possible shredding.) Though everyone would be
equally capable of doing that, so really it would be a tax on not paying
close enough attention to the clock.

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