On 1/24/2022 1:38 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion wrote:
>> On Jan 24, 2022, at 9:34 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion 
>> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> Further, if it's trying to take into account past-only but forcing the
>> assessor to calculate "instantaneous" results (e.g. the assessor has to
>> calculate whether something would pass at every given moment) seems like a
>> textbook case of "unreasonable effort" also making it too ambiguous to
>> succeed?
> This is the interpretation I intended; you might be right about the
> unreasonable effort.

Ignoring that, there's a counter-strategy by setting up actual conditional
votes early on, such that those conditional votes cause your conditional
action to evaluate the wrong way.  Example:

2 unconditional FOR votes cast first.

Conditional vote cast second: "If Gaelan has voted unconditionally
AGAINST, then AGAINST, otherwise FOR."  (conditional not evaluated until
the end).

Gaelan then does:  "If it would pass right now even if I voted AGAINST,
then I cast an unconditional AGAINST, otherwise an unconditional FOR."
(conditional evaluated at time of message).

When Gaelan's vote is evaluated at the time of casting, there's 3 votes
FOR, and Galean would be 1 AGAINST, so that resolves as Gaelan voting
unconditionally AGAINST and it "would" succeed.  But then at the time of
actual evaluation, Gaelan's unconditional AGAINST flips the conditional
ballot to a 2/2 tie and the proposal fails.


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