On 5/22/2022 6:41 PM, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Mon, 2022-05-23 at 03:38 +0200, nethack4.org dicebot via agora-
> business wrote:
>> The dice roll was: 80
>> This is R2481, Festival Restrictions.
> For reference:
> {{{
>       While Agora's Festivity is nonzero, the following apply:
>       1. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, non-Festive players
>          CANNOT support/be a supporter for tabled action intents;
>       2. Quorum for Agoran Decisions is equal to half the number of
>          Festive players, rounded up;
>       3. Each Festive player has the maximum possible voting strength.
>          All other players have the minimum possible voting strength.
>       ~>4. Non-Festive players CANNOT cause proposals to become
>            Pended.<~
>       While Agora's Festivity is zero, the paragraphs above have no
>       effect and are ignored.
> }}}

"While Agora's Device is zero, the paragraphs above have no
effect and are ignored" could cascade in some fun ways, though I haven't
thought through exactly what would be ignored...

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