On 9/12/22 20:31, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> There's also the clause in Rule 2630 "The Administrative State": "An
> officer SHALL NOT violate eir office's administrative regulations in the
> discharge of eir office." It's not too relevant to this case, but there may
> be an issue when violating a regulation, as violations are a regulated
> action that can be performed only using the methods explicitly specified in
> the Rules (not regulations) for performing the given action. Rule 2545
> (Auctions) handles this nicely: "SHALL NOT violate requirements that
> auction's method that are clearly intended to be punishable as rules
> violations", the typo aside.

SHALL (NOT)s do not create regulated actions anymore.

Jason Cobb

Arbitor, Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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