On 4/10/23 14:57, Janet Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:
(Also, it might be better to include context rather than just "first
instance of 'may'".)

Eliminates any chance of accidentally changing the wrong thing due to a
concurrent proposal, and is clearer for the reader on what's being changed.

For instance, I couldn't tell you what the first instance of "may" is in either of those rules. I'd rather not have to crossreference the proposal with the rule. This is why I always do something like "replace [sentence or clause] with [sentence or clause]" even if one or two words are all that's changing. The only exception for me is when something is getting renamed, such as "replace all instances of 'Whatsit' with 'Whosit'" where the surrounding context is irrelevant.

Prime Minister, Herald, Collector

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