On Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 3:34 AM Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-business wrote:
> Rule 1727 is also not explicit that Agora is in fact the
> same nomic that "rose like a phoenix from the ashes of Nomic World".

This has come up as a philosophical chat around here from time to time
(I don't think there's any theses about it?)  The general consensus
(including back in 2002-2004 when Michael Norrish and other original
Agorans from NW were still around) is that Agora is *not* continuous
(i.e. not the 'same nomic') from Nomic World in the legal sense, and
was never assumed to be.  That "rise from the ashes" phrase is meant
as continuity in spirit, as Agora was established by former NW players
who wanted an email game with the same flavor of NW, and used very
similar initial rules that NW had, as close to the Suber ruleset as
possible with modifications for type of forum, with a few lessons
learned from NW play (like not repeating the Lindrum World mistakes in
the initial NW ruleset).  Of course, the final rules of NW when it
died were very different from the initial rules of Agora when it
started up, so there was no continuity there.

Conversely, NW had a subnomic going on while it was running - the
Fantasy Rules Committee or FRC - that actually *was* contiguous by
their rules.  The FRC is still going on and, in a "legal" sense, may
actually be "more continuous" with NW than Agora.  But they always saw
themselves as independent (when I was in NW, they were adamant that
they wanted to keep FRC away from any NW politics) and have rejected
almost all nomic-style play in the way Suber means it, so they are not
continuous in spirit, even though they have a stronger legal claim to
NW's inheritance, if that were relevant.


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