On 5/1/23 12:59, Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-discussion wrote:
> I'm sure that this is well-intended but I feel like this strongly
> encourages "dynasties" of officers where the veterans are de facto heads of
> who will get the privilege of choose who get to be the next Delegate or
> not. Having been Delegate seem like major boon to have towards actually
> getting the office eventually, perhaps it eventually becomes an unwritten
> requirement for it.
> It's just more power to the older, more established players, and it bothers
> me.
> I'm not sure if this is healthier for the game than the free-for-all
> deputization/elections as we currently have it.

With due respect, this is a newer player perspective. Some roles (mostly
rulekeepor, assessor, arbitor) tend to stay with the same player for
several years. And then that player burns out/gets buys/moves on, and
suddenly there's nobody that knows how to do them. This is meant to
*lessen* the chokehold that established players have on the mechanisms
of the game but preventing that from happening.

Prime Minister, Herald

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