This has been the best possible outcome

lør. 20. mai 2023, 11:07 p.m. skrev Janet Cobb via agora-discussion <>:

> On 5/21/23 01:59, Forest Sweeney via agora-discussion wrote:
> > I counter by instead submitting the following proposal:
> >
> > {Adoption index = 3
> >
> > [Stop making small changes to fix things. This security issue happens all
> > the time.]
> Exactly what non-small change would you want here? Your proposal is
> "small", too. This is really getting annoying.
> > Enact the following rule:"By default and unless otherwise specified,
> > assets, switches, and eir properties are secured at the power level of
> the
> > rule that defines them."}
> First, NttPF.
> Second, you've put the "adoption index" inside the text of the proposal.
> Third, why is this in a new rule? There's a perfectly good rule this can
> go into (R1688).
> Fourth, there are likely to be breakages, and I find it unlikely you
> audited the entire ruleset for things that might break.
> Fifth, when things inevitably do break, how would they be fixed? In all
> likelihood, more small proposals, fixing them piecewise as they're
> found. This isn't preventing "small changes" at all.
> --
> Janet Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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