> On Jun 20, 2023, at 7:40 PM, nix via agora-discussion 
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> =============
> I. Amendments
> =============
> Any participant CAN amend these regulations in a specified way with
> Agoran Consent. For this action, only support and objections from
> participants count.
> ===========
> II. Joining
> ===========
> Any person CAN become a participant by announcement anytime before the
> alarm has been sounded.
> Any participant CAN cease to be a participant by announcement.
> ==========
> III. Roles
> ==========
> The following are the Roles and their corresponding win conditions:
> Protector - Agoran't is not ossified at any point in time between the
> beginning of Agoran't and the end of this contest.
> Destroyer - At any point in time before the contest ends, Agoran't was
> ossified.
> Metawinner - Have the most wins within Agoran't at the moment
> immediately before the contest ends.
> Adder - Agoran't has 5+ more rules than it did initially, immediately
> before the contest ends.
> Subtracter - Agoran't has 5+ less rules than it did initially,
> immediately before the contest ends.
> Employee - Have published the most successfully ratified reports,
> immediately before the contest ends.
> Spoiler - If the only other participants that would win are Protectors
> or Destroyers, the Spoiler also wins.
> The Available Roles are the first N roles on the following list, where N
> is the number of participants at Role Assignment. If there are more
> participants than roles, cycle through the list of roles until N is met.
> List: Protector, Destroyer, Adder, Subtracter, Destroyer, Metawinner,
> Destroyer, Employee, Spoiler.
> =======================
> IV. Rules and Gamestate
> =======================
> When the alarm is sounded, the following occur:
> Agoran't begins with the ruleset that is attached in the file
> agorantrules.txt.
> In the context of Agoran't, the publicity of
> "https://agoranomic.groups.io/g/agorant"; is set to "public".
> All participants of this contest become players of Agoran't.
> The results of all CFJs that have been judged in Agora are considered
> "past judgments" in Agoran't.
> ============
> V. Beginning
> ============
> If it has been 7 days since the beginning of this contest and e has not
> already done so, the Gamemaster and two other chosen players CAN and
> SHALL distribute roles to each participant such that only available
> roles are given out, each participant receives a role, and nobody knows
> who received which role. When the Gamemaster is confident this has
> occurred, e CAN once and SHALL, in a timely manner, "sound the alarm" by
> announcement.
> ======================
> VI. Ending and Winning
> ======================
> When Agoran't is judged (within Agora) to be ossified, or when 3 months
> have passed since the initiation of this tournament, this tournament
> ends. All participants SHOULD reveal eir roles, and all participants
> whose role's win condition have been fulfilled win the tournament.
> <agorantrules.txt>

Looks fun! Some quick notes:
- I believe a past problem with Agora-shaped subgames is whether or not they 
can end - it might be worth explicitly stating in R1698 that Agoran’t ends when 
the tournament it’s part of ends, rules to the contrary withstanding.
- Sections III and VI reference ossification - does this mean ossification in 
the sense of Agora’s R1698 (which, strictly speaking, only defines whether or 
not Agora is ossified, not any other game), or Agoran’t’s, or some sort of 
person-on-the-Agoran-omnibus* definition?
- It’s worth explicitly specifying whether Agora’s current switch values carry 
over to Agoran’t or if Agoran’t starts with all switches at default values. 
Same with other non-rule gamestate, eg entities and other miscellaneous bits 
I’m definitely forgetting?
- If switch values do carry over, make sure you explicitly specify that Agora’s 
public fora aren’t public in Agoran’t, unless you intend for messages to 
OFF/BUS to be public in both.
- We might want to do something about R104 (First Speaker).

* see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_on_the_Clapham_omnibus


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