On Mon, 2023-11-06 at 12:43 -0300, juan via agora-discussion wrote:
> Hello y'all,
> Here are some questions for you:
> - Do you want your address to be obfuscated?
> - Do you want every address to be obfuscated?
> - Do you want the obfuscation to be uniform?
> - Do you think each player should get to choose?
> Please elaborate! And, if you wish, send the message privately.

I think that not doing the obfuscating ourself is likely to hide the
addresses better than doing it would (and thus is a strict improvement,
because the unobfuscated addresses are also more convenient to use).

Spambots are unlikely to be subscribed to the Agoran mailing lists, so
they would only be able to see a Registrar report via the archives. The
archive on agoranomic.org requires logging in, so they can't see that

As for the mail-archive.com archive, this is how a Registrar report
looks there:
The addresses spelled with "@" are detected as email addresses and
obfuscated by the archiving site. The addresses spelled with "at"
aren't, and thus are left open (and obfuscation with "at" is something
that many spambots will be able to understand).


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