4st nomic via agora-business [2023-11-09 08:59]:
> Operating solely off the registrar's report, then, there could probably be
> some notations to players that are c/o or otherwise proxies: so the
> registrar could have some corrections on their report that have gone
> unnoticed for quite some time, and I have taken those to be fact due to
> that.
> Anyhow, I'm not going to be discouraged, and I'm going to try to take it as
> early helpful feedback to the thesis I'm working on. WALRUS was not a
> person, rather a partnership, and human point whatever were similar proxy
> players during a time of player shenanigans, and it's probably important to
> note that these are probably not persons, but we simply have no idea.
> I've updated the lists I have to accommodate. The reason for merging
> records is that I want to be conservative sometimes with reasons for not
> playing: I am trying to give Agora the benefit of the doubt in reducing the
> amount of players that stop playing for good. I think I'll report separate
> statistics for merged records and unmerged then though, for your benefit.
> And I'll keep a separate track of all the "c/o" players, and I don't really
> know what to do with weird records like Ted and duck, since what are those
> about???

You don't need to keep your own records! Really, that's my job. And we
don't need to merge those players to achieve that. Maybe we can add more
annotations, and I suggest something else to keep the integrity of the
records: I'll add a mechanism for changes to be *signed* by the current
registrar, and evidence to be pointed to (e.g., message-ids). Actually,
I'm already doing that, but only internally. I can make it external
as well.

So, what I ask of you is suggestions and maybe pointers into how you
would implement them!

To be honest, my current gameplay of Agora is almost exclusively, if
not entirely, doing my job as Registrar (and Absurdor).


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