fwiw, I plan to vote AGAINST any attempt to ratify the ruleset as the
ruleset is currently as if we had been playing "correctly" this whole time.

As it currently stands, a vote FOR would be a vote to maintain the status
quo that got the ruleset into its current predicament.
The status quo is very platonic, and I don't want it to be. However, that's
an old debate:

Ultimately, the proper thing to do, then, is to express this opinion in the
places where opinion actually matters: in the courts and legislature, which
is what I am hereby doing. I encourage anyone who is frustrated with the
status quo, who feels like they don't truly understand what is going on
with the ruleset ratification, who thinks that "years of playing that can
only be truly accepted by a complex investigation and precisely worded
ratification" is too difficult and wrong, to thereby reject uploading the
status quo.

Just... I keep playing nomic pragmatically, trying to play based on the
social contract, the relationships and what everyone has to say about it,
and basing it on feelings and perceived ethics instead of just logic. A
platonic viewpoint rejects those feelings and perceived ethics entirely. I
see a platonic viewpoint as a strong argument, but not the last word,
because the social contract continues the game, the relationships and
people and the debate. A platonic gamestate instead says the game continues
as long as the invisible, actual gamestate says it does. It could have
ended at any time, and we wouldn't have known, and things could be entirely
different, and we'll never have truly known. With a platonic gamestate, all
we can do is our best by sifting through history. And there's too much
history. For me at least. And too many rules, since I can never seem to
read them all, or keep them all in my head, organized, and such. I'd be
open to playing a definitively platonic nomic with the gamestate definitive
and visible (eg a code-based nomic), but Agora is not code based, so, at
least to me, Agora feels pragmatic, in some sense.

After this all settles down, if it does end up complexly ratified (which is
likely what will happen), I'll probably WRIT of FAGE and come back later at
some point. You know me, I can't stay away. This platonic vs pragmatic
debate will probably always continue indefinitely, and there will always be
proponents to one side or the other, and I want to help the pragmatic side.

At least. That's what I think is going on. I have no idea, because things
are pretty platonic right now, and it could all be different. I just hope
I'm not *entirely* wrong right now, because if I am, what am I even


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