Report of Major Arcana Cards and Succession Order - July 24, 2009

[c. is still on hold, right?  I'm a little confused about that.]  

MAJOR ARCANA                  HOLDER
Minister without Portfolio    coppro
Majority Leader               Wooble
Cabinet Secretary             Pavitra
Chief Whip                    Murphy
Justiciar                     ais523
Admiral of the Navy           G.


WIN RANK[**]   SUCCESSION LIST    Date entered succession
1.  Tiger      -
2.  c.         -
3.  Wooble     4                 16-Jul-09 by becoming active
4.  ais523     2                  6-Jul-09 by champion
5.  coppro     1  <=SPEAKER       3-May-09 by champion
6.  Murphy     3                  7-Jul-09 by Tiger going on hold
7.  root       -
8.  OscarMeyr  -
9.  G.         5                 16-Jul-09 by c. going on hold
10. AFO        -
11. Pavitra
12. Zefram     -
13. ehird
14. BobTHJ
15. pikhq      -
16. Levi       -
17. HP2        -
18. Taral

(N) On succession list - number is position eldest to youngest
(-) Inactive or Deregistered

[**]The WIN RANK shows when players were last awarded the Patent Title
Champion going back to January, 2006.  (More recent wins are higher
on the list).  The active players with the top 5 win ranks are on the
Rules-defined "List of Succession", and dates list when players became
a part of that top 5 list due to wins, becoming active again, or by
players with a higher Win Rank ceasing to be active.   Eldest date of
addition to List is the Speaker.


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