[Since it seems to be an evening for them, the following, I admit, is
an Outright Scam; by my taxonomy definitely against the intent of the
rule in question].

I initiate an Agoran decision to decide the Flag of Agora.  The eligible 
voters are the active first-class players at the time the decision is 
initiated (now), the valid options are the Flag Candidates at the time the 
decision was initiated, and the vote collector is the Herald.

The only valid option is currently GOETHE'S FLAG CANDIDATE, below (note 
with one option, quorum does not apply):

> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>       G. CAN cause this Rule to make arbitrary rule changes by
>       announcement.  Viva la fuente!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

[end of election initiation announcement]

CFJ:  Goethe has initiated an Agoran Decision to decide the Flag of Agora, 
with exactly one valid option.

Caller's Arguments:

The Rule governing the creation of Flag Candidates Reads in part:
   Within one week after the enactment of this rule, each active
   first-class player may create exactly one Flag Candidate without three

An important component in this is the use of "may".  Creating documents of 
certain types is described in the CAN/CANNOT phraseology in R2125(c), but 
in this case creating a flag candidate is governed by a "may".  Therefore, 
by R101(i) it was POSSIBLE to create a flag candidate in an unregulated
way if a mechanism exists, and a mechanism does in fact exist: the natural
way any document is made: by publishing/submitting it clearly labeled as
such a document. 

Other submitters made it clear that they were not creating flag candidates, 
they were merely *intending* to do so, and didn't follow through.  However, 
in the message quoted in Evidence, Goethe stated outright that e was
submitting (i.e. creating one), so by a natural publication of a document,
it was in fact created.  (The "may" might mean that e violated the rule
in doing so, but e still did so).


> I submit the following Flag Candidate:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>       G. CAN cause this Rule to make arbitrary rule changes by
>       announcement.  Viva la fuente!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> -G.

[Rule in question]

Within one week after the enactment of this rule, each active
first-class player may create exactly one Flag Candidate without three
objections.  A Flag Candidate is the (non-retracted) text and title of
a Power-1 rule describing a Flag or other suitable Symbol for Agora,
and its author is known as its Flyer.

Between one and two weeks after the enactment of this rule, the Herald
CAN and SHALL initiate an Agoran decision to decide the Flag of Agora.
 The eligible voters are the active first-class players at the time
the decision is initiated, the valid options are the Flag Candidates
at the time the decision was initiated, and the vote collector is the

The Flyer of the winning Flag Candidate satisfies the Winning
Condition of Vexillology.

Cleanup Procedure: This rule amends itself to be identical to that
Flag Candidate.

[Decision initiation]

> I initiate an Agoran decision to decide the Flag of Agora.  The eligible 
> voters are the active first-class players at the time the decision is 
> initiated (now), the valid options are the Flag Candidates at the time the 
> decision was initiated, and the vote collector is the Herald.
> The only valid option is currently GOETHE'S FLAG CANDIDATE, below (note 
> with one option, quorum does not apply):
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> >       G. CAN cause this Rule to make arbitrary rule changes by
> >       announcement.  Viva la fuente!
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------


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