After submission, I make the following three proposals distributable as part 
of Fearmongor duties.

I submit the following proposal, "No condition", AI-1, II-0:
      Repeal Rule 2127 (Conditional Votes).

      [Maybe this is fixed in precedent anyway by now].

I submit the following proposal, "Not pointless" AI-1, II-0:
      Amend Rule 2321 (Proposal Points) to read as follows:

      Points are a liquid Currency tracked by the PSM.  When this text
      first becomes a part of a Rule, each Player's points are set to

      The following awards CAN and SHALL be created/destroyed in the
      possession of the indicated players by the PSM, asap after proposal
      results in question are announced:

         - Voters who voted against proposals which are adopted receive 10
           points apiece.
         - Players whose proposals are adopted shall receive a random
           number of points (determined by the PSM) in the range 1-10
         - Players whose proposals are not adopted shall lose 10 points.


I submit the following proposal, "Zombies", AI=1, II-0:

[Fearmongor comment:  This actually works perfectly in the current 
ruleset I think, though being a zombie has no further consequences 
at the moment].

Enact the following Rule, entitled "Zombies":

       Each Player is always Noisy, Quiet, or Silent, but never more
       than one of these.  Whenever a Player posts to a Public Forum,
       or a new Player registers, that Player is Noisy.

       Any Player who has not caused another Player to become Quiet
       within the last 24 hours can cause another Active Noisy Player
       to become Quiet by stating that e is doing so, and clearly
       identifying that Player, in a Public Forum.  If a Player has
       been Quiet continuously for two weeks, e becomes Silent.  If a
       Player has been Inactive continuously for two months, e becomes

       Any Player can make a Silent Player a Zombie by publicly
       alleging that the Silent Player has abandoned the game.  A
       Player has abandoned the game if and only if e is Silent.  As
       soon as possible after a public allegation that a Player has
       abandoned the game, the Registrar shall publicly confirm or deny
       that the Player is a Zombie.

       If a Speaker has abandoned the game, e commits the Class 15
       Crime of Speaker Abandonment, to be detected and reported by any
       Player.  E ceases to be Speaker, and the Speaker-Elect becomes
       Speaker.  The previous Speaker then becomes a Zombie.

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