                         THE SCROLL OF AGORA

Last report:  Tue, 17 May 2011

Recent Activity:
- Absolutely None.  Champion was re-defined.

                        DEFINED PATENT TITLES

                           CHAMPION by
            Cards  Taral, G., Murphy, OscarMeyr, root
     Championship  Wooble, root, Taral, OscarMeyr
            Clout  ais523, scshunt
       High Score  Elysion, G., Levi, Murphy (x2), Steve, ais523 (x3),
                   Pavitra, omd (x2), scshunt (x2), root, Wooble, Tiger,
                   Murphy, BobTHJ
            Junta  ais523, the AFO, omd (x2), G., OscarMeyr, schunt
       Leadership  ais523
            Lotto  scshunt, omd
           Maniac  Craig, root
     Musicianship  Zefram, ais523, Wooble, omd, Tiger
          Paradox  G., Murphy, root, BobTHJx2, ais523, ehird, scshunt
         Proposal  Human Point Two, Morendil, Steve (x3), Andre (x3),
                   ais523 (x2), Canada, Bucky, G., omd, woggle,
                   Spitemaster, allispaul, Yally, BobTHJ, Murphy, Tiger,
                   scshunt, Andon
      Renaissance  ais523, scshunt, Murphy
         Solitude  ais523 (x2), scshunt (x2), omd
        Trombones  Blob, elJefe, General Chaos, Steve
      Unspecified  Chuck, Dave Bowen, favor, Garth, Ian, Jeffrey, KoJen,
                   Michael, Oerjan, Swann, t, Timothy, Troublemaker at
                   Large, Vanyel(x2), Wes(x2).  *(7/6): Chuck, elJefe,
                   Kelly, KoJen, Morendil, Steve, Swann, Troublemaker at
                   Large; *(4/3): Chuck, Kelly, KoJen, Steve,
                   Troublemaker at Large, Wes; *(3/2): Chuck, Kelly,
                   Steve; *(5/3): Kelly, Steve; *(11/6): Kelly
                   *(N/P): Full patent title is Champion*(N/P) where
                   N/P is the winning ratio.

                      GRAND HERO OF AGORA NOMIC
           Peter Suber, Chuck Carroll, Douglas Hofstadter

                         HERO OF AGORA NOMIC

                          HIGHER EDUCATION
     Bachelor of Nomic (B.N.):                elJefe, favor, Steve,
                                              Vanyel, Kolja A., Murphy,
     Master of Nomic:                         ais523
     Doctor of Nomic History (D.N.Hist.):     Swann, Vlad
     Doctor of Nomic Philosophy (D.N.Phil.):  Steve

      :                         Andre
      Admiral:                  G.
      Agoran Spy:               pikhq
      Agoraphobe:               Antimatter, BethMo, Blue
      Bard:                     G., Maud, Elysion, Sherlock, Murphy,
      Boor:                     General Chaos, Macross, Murphy, Sherlock,
                                elJefe, Crito
      Came Back in a Puff:      BobTHJ
      Cassandra:                G.,  Murphy
      Commuted in a Huff:       Wooble
      Current Champion:         Taral
      Distributor:              Steve
      Elder Lurker:             David Nicol, Michael
      Entrepreneur:             Chuck
      Exorcist:                 Oerjan
      Fantasy Rule Catalyst:    Peter
      Fantasy Rule Compulsion   Zefram
      Fantasy Rule Conspirator: OscarMeyr
      Fantasy Rule Creator:     Murphy
      First violin:             G.
      H.:                       ais523
      Historian:                Vlad
      Heroic Notary:            Murphy
      Left in a Huff:           Waggie, Gecko, Kelly (x3!), Swann, KoJen,
                                Zefram, Vlad, Andre, G., BobTHJ, P1-P100
      Maniac:                   Craig, Peekee, root
      Nomic Thief:              Swann
      Originator:               Chuck
      Plagiarist:               ehird
      Scamster:                 Troublemaker at Large, Waggie, G., Steve,
                                Murphy, root, OscarMeyr, ehird, omd
      Second fiddle:            omd
      Simon Said:               Wooble
      Sorcerer's Apprentice:    omd
      273rd Prepared Piano:     Murphy

                         Long Service Awards
      Three Months:    Taral, G., Sherlock, Michael, Murphy,
                       OscarMeyr, root, Iammers, Wooble, Zefram,
                       ais523, BobTHJ, omd, PerlNomic Partnership,
                       the AFO, Sgeo, Tiger, scshunt, Yally
      Six Months:      Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, Sherlock,
                       G., Zefram, Wooble, PerlNomic Partnership, omd,
                       ais523, scshunt, Yally
      Nine Months:     Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, G., Zefram,
                       Wooble, omd
      Twelve Months:   Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, G., Zefram,
                       Wooble, omd

                            Winners' Cups
      Paper Cup:     Dave Bowen, favor, Garth, Harlequin, Ian, Jeffrey,
                     Michael, Murphy, Oerjan, Timothy, Vanyel
      Tin Cup:       Blob
      Glass Cup:     Swann, elJefe, KoJen, Troublemaker at Large, Wes
      Crystal Cup:   Andre, Chuck, Morendil
      Gold Cup:      General Chaos
      Ruby Cup:      Steve
      Supreme Cup:   Crito

                            Frozen Ephemera
      Honorless Worm:           Kelly
      Miscreant:                Pakaran
      Pugachev:                 G.
      Robespierre:              G.
      Samurai:                  Michael, Murphy
      Shogun:                   Michael
      Zeitgeist:                Chuck (3848)

                  Fugitives [the return of the unofficial list]
   Elde, Time Agent, Antimatter, Proglet, Macross, root, Vlad, Morendil,
   Beefurabi, elJefe, Ziggy, Evantine, pTang, Blaise, Syllepsis, neil,
   Blob, Magu, Peekee, Cainech, Wes, t, Pakaran, 0x44, Elysion, Quazie

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