Update on recent activity in B:

I am likely planning, in the near future, of intending to recognize, with
Agoran Consent, one of:
  - The present woobleverse of Platonist B; or
  - The Ongoing Unfrozen First Emergency State of B
as Active, and all of:
  - The non-woobleverse Plantonist B
  - Any Pragmatic B
as ABANDONED (although technically, you cannot abandon something that 
never existed, so perhaps it is better to leave these as UNKNOWN).

This may be pointless, or it may have the strength of giving an 
outside agency and friendly observer state (that, not incidentally is 
made up in part of Agoran Citizens that are also inhabitants of the B 
fora) a formal ability to put a stamp of approval on a particular 
state of play.

Note, of course, if at least one of these active states does not
produce a calculated gamestate, its recognition could finally slip

Opinions welcome.

AMBASSADOR-AT-LARGE Recognition-of-Nomics Report

     Deepnomic ( http://deepnomic.webege.com/ ) is FRIENDLY.
     (became friendly on 26 Aug 12)

     All other Nomics are UNKNOWN

     [Possible values: Unknown (default), Protected, Friendly,
                  Neutral, Sanctioned, Hostile, and Abandoned].


JUSTICIAR Initial Posture Report

    Initial Posture is SITTING

    Switch History:
    - 14-Aug-2012 Created and made STANDING by Proposal 7279
    - 15-Aug-2012 made SITTING by Justiciar (by announcement)

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