Date of last report: 15 Mar 2013
Date of this report: 21 Mar 2013

Recent events:
2013-02-19: Machiavelli transfers Transparent Ribbon from LF&D to Wes
2013-02-22: G. transfers Transparent Ribbon from LF&D to ehird
2013-03-02: Machiavelli awards emself a Green Ribbon (Promotor in Feb).
2013-03-11: Proposal 7349 changes the way to earn a Red Ribbon.
<time of last report>


Player                      BCGIKLMOPRTUV
ais523                      B         T
omd                                   T
ehird                                 T
G.                          BC      P T
Machiavelli                   G    O  T
Kolja                                 T
Max Schutz                            T
Murphy                                T
Pavitra                               T
Roujo                                 T
Wes                                   T
woggle                       C        T
Wooble                                T
Yally                                 T

Arkady                                T
BobTHJ                                T
FKA441344                             T
Flameshadowxeroshin                   T
justine sells                         T
moonroof                              T
Ozymandias                            T
Phlogistique                          T
scat                                  T
Sgeo                                  T
Walker                                T

Agora                                 T
ais523's imaginary friend             T
BuckyBot                              T

Lost and Found Department:  3*T

(B = Blue, C = Cyan, G = Green, I = Indigo, K = blacK,
     L = Lime, M = Magenta, O = Orange, P = Platinum,
     R = Red, T = Transparent, U = Ultraviolet, V = Violet)

     Ways to earn Ribbons (Synopsis of R2387)
     (+B) Judge a non-crimial case on time.
     (+C) Deputize for an Office.
     (+G) Hold 1+ offices for a month, miss no time limits for duties.
     (+I) Earn a degree.
     (+K) Judge a criminal (sentencing) case on time.
     (+L) Be co-author of 3+ proposals adopted in the previous week.
     (+M) Acknowledge Agora's Birthday on Agora's Birthday.
     (+O) Be submitter of a proposal adopted with no AGAINST votes.
     (+P) Be the Speaker.
     (+R) Be submitter of adopted proposal that reduces the Ruleset.
     (+T) Register (if not holding Patent Title Renascent).
     (+U) Be awarded Patent Title Champion.
     (+V) Be awarded Patent Title not previously mentioned on this list.

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