I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
also a valid vote).

[You know what? I'm SO glad I'm not the Assessor anymore.]

ID     Author(s)     AI   Title
7763*  scshunt       1.0  Official References
7764*  scshunt       1.0  Prime Ministerial Perks
7765*  scshunt       2.0  Centralization
7766*  scshunt       1.0  Timelines
7767+  the Warrigal  1.5  The Resistance
7768+  ais523        1.0  Full House Of Trust
7769+  G.            2.0  You propose it you run it
7770+  omd           3.0  Patent Titles Are Forever
7771+  omd           3.0  Instant Runoff Silver Quill [..]

Full Title of 7771: Instant Runoff Silver Quill (Elections Too, Just
In Case We Ever Have An Election Again With Three Competitive

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID     Author(s)     AI   Title
pp1    scshunt       3.0  Tie-Breaking Votes
pp2    scshunt       1.0  IADoP Salary Control
pp3    scshunt       1.0  Blocking Power
pp4    scshunt       3.0  High-Power Centralization

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.


ID: 7763
Title: Official References
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: scshunt

Enact a new power-1 Rule entitled "Official References" reading:

      Where a rule refers to an office in a way such that, by
      necessary implication, it refers to the holder of that office
      (including to authorize or forbid an action), it implicitly
      refers to the player holding that office. Where there are
      references to the past or future, then absent indication to the
      contrary, the rule shall be interpreted as referring to the
      holder of the office at the time in question. If a rule refers
      to the "current <office>" or uses similar language, then it
      refers to the office's present holder, regardless of its holder
      at the time in question.


ID: 7764
Title: Prime Ministerial Perks
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: scshunt

Enact a new power-1 Rule entitled "Executive Orders" reading:
      Once per week and except as otherwise forbidden by this
      rule, the current Prime Minister CAN issue a Cabinet Order
      and perform the action(s) authorized by that Order.

      Each Cabinet Order is associated with an office. The current
      Prime Minister CANNOT issue more than one Cabinet Order
      associated with the same office more than once in the same
      month, nor can e issue a Cabinet Order associated with a
      vacant office.

      The available Cabinet Orders are:

      - Certiorari (CotC): The Prime Minister assigns emself as
        judge of a specified open case.

      - Dive (Referee): The Prime Minister issues a specified Card
        to a specified player. In doing so, the Prime Minister
        SHOULD cite a specific grievance against that player, not
        necessarily a violation of a rule.

      - Manifesto (Promotor): The Prime Minister distributes a
        specified proposal in the Proposal Pool.

If the proposal "Blocking Power" passed, then append to that rule the
      - Hoist (Promotor): The Prime Minister flips a specified
        proposal's imminence to "delayed".

      - Bonus (IADoP): Three times during the current week, a
        specified other player CAN by announcement pend an idle


ID: 7765
Title: Centralization
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: scshunt

Amend Rule 1006 (Offices) by replacing:
      An imposed office is an office described as such by the rule
      defining it.  All others are elected.  A person CANNOT be made
      the holder of an elected office without eir explicit or
      reasonably implied consent.

      The holder of an elected office CAN resign it by announcement,
      causing it to become vacant. Any player CAN cause an office to
      become vacant without 2 objections.
      An imposed office is an office described as such by the rule
      defining it.  All others are voluntary.  A person CANNOT
      be made the holder of a voluntary office without eir explicit
      or reasonably implied consent. The holder of a voluntary
      office CAN resign it by announcement, causing it to become

Amend Rule 2423 (First Among Equals) to read:
      The Prime Minister is an office. The Prime Minister is elected
      by the players of Agora primarily on account of not being the
      other guy. The Prime Minister is responsible for the well-being
      of Agora.

      The holder of the office of Prime Minister has voting strength
      one greater than e would have if e did not hold the office. This
      does not apply in respect of an election of the Prime Minister.

      The Prime Minister CAN, by announcement, appoint a player to be
      the holder of any other voluntary office. Such an office is
      called a Ministry, and its holder is called a Minister. E SHALL
      NOT appoint a player to a Ministry if the current holder has
      been in office for less than fourteen days, unless e is required
      to do so by another rule. The Prime Minister SHALL appoint an
      individual to fill a vacant Ministry in a timely fashion.

      If a Minister fails to perform an official duty within a time
      limit specified by rule, the Prime Minister SHALL, in a timely
      fashion, deputise for that Minister to perform that action. This
      requirement is vacated by any player performing the action.

      When the office of Prime Minister becomes vacant, a General
      Election is initiated.

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Censure", reading:
      A player CAN, with N Agoran Consent, Censure a player who
      holds a voluntary office. If that player has been issued a Black
      Card within the last seven days, N is 1, otherwise, N is 2.

      When a player is Censured, the Prime Minister SHALL, in a
      timely fashion, appoint another player to each Ministry that
      player holds. When the Prime Minister is Censured, a General
      Election is initiated.

Retitle Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) to "General Elections" and
amend it to read
      When a General Election is initiated, the Speaker CAN once
      and SHALL, in a timely fashion, initiate an Agoran Decision
      to select the new holder of the office of Prime Minister.

      For this decision, the valid options are the players, and the
      vote collector is the Speaker. Once a General Election is
      resolved, if its outcome is a player, then that player becomes
      Prime Minister. If the outcome is not a player, then the player
      resolving the decision becomes Prime Minister. In either case,
      the office of Speaker then becomes vacant.

Amend Rule 2426 (Cards) by replacing:
      - Black Card, naming an office held by the player, intended for
        severe abuses of power (the perceived rule violation must
        involve use or non-use of that office's powers).  Within seven
        days after a Black Card is issued, any player CAN become the
        holder of the target office with two support;  the issuer of
        that Card CANNOT initiate or support this.


      - Black Card, intended for severe abuses of official power. The
        effects of a Black Card are described elsewhere.

Amend Rule 103 (The Speaker) by replacing:
      The player or players who have most recently won the game are
      called Laureled. If at any time the office of Speaker is vacant,
      or when one or more players win Agora, then the Prime Minister
      CAN and SHALL, once and in a timely fashion, appoint a Laureled
      player to the office of Speaker.

      If the office of Speaker has been held continuously by the same
      person for 90+ days, then any player CAN appoint another player
      to the office with Support.

      The offices of the Speaker and the Prime Minister are
      incompatible. If at any point in time one player holds both of
      these offices, e ceases to hold the position of Prime Minister.
      If the office of Speaker is vacant, the Prime Minister CAN and
      SHALL, in a timely fashion, appoint another player to be Speaker
      by announcement. A player CANNOT do so by deputisation.

      The offices of the Speaker and the Prime Minister are
      incompatible. If at any point in time one player holds both of
      these offices, e ceases to hold the position of Speaker.

[The Prime Minister becomes the sole player responsible for offices,
in a major departure from current practice. No idea how this will play


ID: 7766
Title: Timelines
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: scshunt

Amend Rule 2446 (The Agoran Newspaper) by replacing
      past 7 days.
      prior Agoran Week.

and by appending the following to the first paragraph:
      When the Herald publishes the Newspaper for a given Agoran
      week, any obligation e has to publish the Newspaper for a
      prior week is discharged.

[This prevents deputizing for Herald to publish an older newspaper.]


ID: 7767
Title: The Resistance
Adoption index: 1.5
Author: the Warrigal

Create a rule with power 1.5, titled "Gothur and Yufel":

      The Weird is an office.

      Brutality is a singleton switch, tracked by the Weird, with
      values Peace (default) and War. The phrases "there is Peace" and
      "there is War" refer to the value of this switch.

      Enlistment is a player switch, tracked by the Weird, with values
      Unenlisted (default), Enlisted, and Ineligible. While there is
      Peace, any player (except the Weird) CAN flip eir Enlistment to
      Unenlisted or Enlisted by announcement; and if a player besides
      the Weird is Ineligible, e automatically becomes Unenlisted.
      While there is War, any player CAN flip eir Enlistment from
      Unenlisted to Enlisted, or from Enlisted to Ineligible, by
      announcement. If the Weird is ever not Ineligible, e becomes

      Faction is an untracked player switch, with values Unaffiliated
      (default), Gothur, and Yufel. The Weird SHALL privately keep
      track of Faction values. When a new person comes to hold the
      office of Weird, if there is War, then the previous holder of
      the office SHALL, in a timely fashion, privately inform the
      Weird of the Faction values. If, on the other hand, there is
      Peace, then all players become Unaffiliated. The Weird SHOULD
      NOT disclose Faction switches except as required by the rules.

      Whenever there is at least one Unaffiliated Enlisted player, the
      Weird SHALL, in a timely fashion, randomly select a Faction,
      either Gothur or Yufel, for each such player. The Factions shall
      be selected so as to bring the ratio of Gothur Enlisted players
      to Yufel Enlisted players as close to 2:1 as possible. When the
      Weird does so, the players' Factions are flipped to the
      appropriate values. The Weird SHALL immediately privately inform
      each of the players what eir Faction was flipped to, and also
      privately provide every Yufel Enlisted player with a list of all
      Yufel players.

      The Rotation is a singleton switch, tracked by the Weird, whose
      values are all lists of persons without duplicates. Whenever a
      person in the Rotation is not a player, e is deleted from the

      The Leader is the first person in the Rotation. Whenever the
      Leader is not Enlisted, but someone in the Rotation is Enlisted,
      the Leader is moved to the end of the Rotation.

      Whenever there is a player not in the Rotation, the Weird CAN by
      announcement, and SHALL in a timely fashion, add em to the end
      of the Rotation. If there are multiple players to be added, the
      Weird SHALL do so in random order.

      When there is War, the Current Mission Number is a singleton
      switch, tracked by the Weird, whose values are the integers
      greater than or equal to 1, and whose default is 1. (When there
      is Peace, this switch does not exist.)

      Gothur Score and Yufel Score are natural switches, tracked by
      the Weird.

      Whenever there is Peace, there are at least five Enlisted
      players, and no Enlisted player is Unaffiliated, the Weird CAN
      by announcement, and SHALL in a timely fashion, flip the
      Brutality to War.

      Whenever there is War, the Weird CAN Stop the Fighting by
      announcement, but SHALL NOT do so unless the War process cannot
      reasonably continue. When e does so, the Brutality becomes Peace
      and all Faction switches become Unaffiliated.

      Whenever there is War, the following process occurs:

      1. The Leader SHOULD, within 3 days, announce eir choice of N
         players as the Proposed Mission, where N is the number of
         Enlisted players, plus the Current Mission Number, all
         divided by 3, rounded down. (If e fails to do so, at the
         end of the 3 days, e becomes Ineligible, then skip to step
         4a. If the identity of the Leader changes, the deadline
         resets to 3 days hence.)

      2. When the Leader announces eir choice, if this Proposed
         Mission is the fifth (or beyond) Proposed Mission since a
         Proposed Mission was accepted, skip to step 5.

      3. In the following 3 days, each Enlisted player SHOULD
         announce whether e accepts or rejects the Proposed Mission.
         Each player's announcements beyond eir first are

      4. At the end of the 3 days, if more Enlisted players accepted
         than rejected the Proposed Mission, continue to step 5;
         otherwise, continue to step 4a.

         4a. The Leader is moved to the end of the rotation. The
             Weird SHALL, in a timely fashion, announce who the new
             Leader is. When e does so, return to step 1.

      5. The Proposed Mission is accepted and becomes the Current
         Mission. In the following 2 days, any Yufel player in the
         mission CAN sabotage the Current Mission by privately
         informing the Weird that e does so.

      6. At the end of the 2 days, the Weird SHALL, in a timely
         fashion, accurately announce the number of players who
         sabotaged the Current Mission.

      7. If the number of saboteurs announced by the Weird is
         greater than one fifth of the number of players in the
         mission, the Yufel Score increases by 1; otherwise, the
         Gothur Score increases by 1.

      8. If both the Gothur Score and the Yufel Score are less than
         3, then the Current Mission Number increases by 1, then
         return to step 1. Otherwise, continue to step 9.

      9. If the Gothur Score is 3, then Gothur is the winning
         faction, and all Enlisted Gothur players are awarded the
         Patent Title "Gothur". If the Yufel Score is 3, then Yufel
         is the winning faction, and all Enlisted Yufel players are
         awarded the Patent Title "Yufel".

      10. The Gothur Score and Yufel Score are reset to 0, then all
          players' Factions become Unaffiliated, then the Brutality
          becomes Peace.


ID: 7768
Title: Full House Of Trust
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: ais523

Create a new Power 1 rule, "Trust Tokens", with the following text:

      Any player can issue a Trust Token to another person by

      A player can win the game by announcement if e has been issued a
      Trust Token by each other player; if no player has won via this
      mechanism in the past; and if in the same message, e quotes, for
      each player, a public message in which that player issued em a
      Trust Token.

If possible at the Power of this proposal, set the Power of that rule
to 0.5.
If the ruleset contains the word "Erratic", amend that rule by
appending the paragraph:

      This rule is Erratic.


ID: 7769
Title: You propose it you run it
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 1006 (Offices) by replacing:
      The holder of an elected office CAN resign it by announcement,
      causing it to become vacant.
      The holder of an elected office CAN resign it by announcement,
      causing it to become vacant, unless the holder was installed
      to the office by proposal less than 90 days prior.

[Simple: If a new office proposal doesn't include installing a
willing candidate into the office, don't vote for it.  Note that
by-proposal installation used to be practically *required* (before


ID: 7770
Title: Patent Titles Are Forever
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: omd

Amend Rule 1551 (Ratification) by replacing:

                                                  Such a modification
      cannot add inconsistencies between the gamestate and the rules,
      and it cannot include rule changes unless the ratified document
      explicitly and unambiguously recites either the changes or the
      resulting properties of the rule(s).

                                                  Such a modification
      cannot add inconsistencies between the gamestate and the rules,
      it cannot include rule changes unless the ratified document
      explicitly and unambiguously recites either the changes or the
      resulting properties of the rule(s), and it cannot revoke Patent

[If the AI bug caused proposals without an explicit AI to take effect
with power 4 (under the theory that the minimum of 4 and undefined is
best considered 4), then Proposal 7448, such a proposal which was
thought to have failed due to insufficient power, actually
successfully awarded scshunt the Patent Title "Head of the Agoran
Ceremonial Mint".  (No AI-fixed proposal was submitted.)  Just thought
adding this little special exception would be fun - would also apply
to Champion patent titles awarded for wins that are later ratified
into nonexistence.]


ID: 7771
Title: Instant Runoff Silver Quill (Elections Too, Just In Case We
       Ever Have An Election Again With Three Competitive Candidates)
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: omd

Amend Rule 2444 (Silver Quill) by replacing "the valid options are all
eligible proposals and" with "the valid preferences are all eligible
proposals, the valid options are ordered lists of one or more valid
preference, and".

Amend Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) by replacing "the valid options
are the players and" with "the valid preferences are the players, the
valid options are ordered lists of one or more valid preference, and".

Amend Rule 955 (Determining the Will of Agora) to read:

      After an Agoran decision is resolved, it has an outcome,
      determined by the first applicable case as follows:

      (a) If there are no options, the outcome is null.

      (b) If the number of distinct voters who submitted valid ballots
          is less than quorum, then the outcome is FAILED QUORUM.

      (c) If the decision has an adoption index, then if the strength
          of FOR is greater than the strength of AGAINST, and the
          ratio of the strength of FOR to the strength of AGAINST is
          greater than or equal to the decision's adoption index (or
          the strength of AGAINST is zero), then the outcome is
          ADOPTED; otherwise, the outcome is REJECTED.

      (d) If the valid options are ordered lists of preferences, the
          outcome is decided using instant-runoff voting.  In case
          multiple valid preferences tie for the lowest number of
          votes at any stage, the vote collector CAN and must, in the
          announcement of the decision's resolution, select one such
          preference to eliminate; if, for N > 1, all eir possible
          choices in the next N stages would result in the same set of
          preferences being eliminated, e need not specify the order
          of elimination.

      (e) Otherwise, the outcome is the option with the most votes.
          In case of a tie, the vote collector CAN and must, in the
          announcement of the decision's resolution, select one of the
          leaders as the outcome.

[Also fixes tie outcomes, where there is currently a contradiction
between the first paragraph and the tie clause (the former says
decisions have outcomes after their voting periods end, but what's the
outcome before the vote collector chooses one?), the possibility for
the vote collector to mess with decisions by not choosing an outcome
until after resolution, and arguably outright brokenness, since
nothing says the vote collector CAN select an outcome.]


ID: pp1
Title: Tie-Breaking Votes
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: scshunt

Amend Rule 955 (Determining the Will of Agora) by replacing

      (b) If the decision has an adoption index, then if the strength
          of FOR is greater than the strength of AGAINST, and the
          ratio of the strength of FOR to the strength of AGAINST is
          greater than or equal to the decision's adoption index (or
          the strength of AGAINST is zero), then the outcome is
          ADOPTED; otherwise, the outcome is REJECTED.


      (b) If the decision has an adoption index, then if the strength
          of FOR is greater than the strength of AGAINST, and the
          ratio of the strength of FOR to the strength of AGAINST is
          greater than the decision's adoption index (or
          the strength of AGAINST is zero), then the outcome is
          ADOPTED; otherwise if the strength of FOR is equal to or
          greater than the decisions adoption index and the ration of
          the strength of FOR to the strength of AGAINST is equal to
          the decision's adoption index, then the vote collector shall
          select either ADOPTED or REJECTED as the outcome;
          otherwise, the outcome is REJECTED.

[Give the Assessor the power to break ties, including to get a
majority on a vote or when the voting ratio exactly matches the AI].


ID: pp2
Title: IADoP Salary Control
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: scshunt

Amend Rule 2455 (How to Pend a Proposal) by replacing
      Each office has a spending power, which is a natural number.
      The spending power of each office is 1, except as otherwise
      defined by rule. The spending power of Rulekeepor, of Speaker,
      and of Prime Minister is 2. The spending power of Promotor is 4.
      Spending power is an office switch, whose values range over the
      positive integers between 1 and 10 inclusive, with a default of
      1. Spending power is tracked by the IADoP. The IADoP CAN flip
      the spending power of an office by announcement, provided that
      the Promotor always has spending power no less than 1 less than
      the greatest spending power among offices, and further provided
      that the current IADoP has not already flipped that office's
      spending power in the current month.

Set the spending power of Promotor to 4, of Rulekeepor, Prime
Minister, and Speaker to 2, and of all other offices to 1.

[Give the IADoP the authority to set salaries for officers. Promotor
gets, as a perk, right to never be that far behind the office with the


ID: pp3
Title: Blocking Power
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: scshunt

Amend Rule 2455 (How to Pend a Proposal) by replacing
      whose value is either "pending" or "not pending" (default).
      whose value is either "pending", "delayed", or "idle"

and by replacing
      A player can flip a proposal's imminence to "pending" by
      announcement, unless e has already done so a number of
      times that week that equals or exceeds the total spending
      power of the offices e holds.
      To pend a proposal is to flip its imminence to "pending". To
      delay a proposal is to flip its imminence to "delayed". To idle
      a proposal is to flip its imminence to "idle." At the beginning
      of each week, each delayed proposal is idled.

      A player CAN pend an idle proposal by announcement, unless
      e has already done so a number of times this week that equals
      or exceeds the total spending power of the offices e holds, not
      counting actions authorized by another rule.

      The current Promotor CAN, by announcement, delay a proposal,
      unless e has already done so a number of times this month
      which equals or exceeds the Promotor's spending power, not
      counting actions authorized by another rule.

[Give the Promotor the ability to delay proposals; possibly
indefinitely if e is careful.]


ID: pp4
Title: High-Power Centralization
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: scshunt

If the proposal "Centralization" has not been adopted, this proposal
has no effect. Otherwise, amend Rule 2160 (Deputisation) by replacing
      When a player deputises for an elected office, e becomes the
      holder of that office.
        (f) No rule explicitly forbids performance of that action by

and amend Rule 2483 (Ribbons) by replacing the word "elected" by

[This is power-3 amendments to rules which are not critical to
Centralization working correctly, but are ideal. Yes, this is a way to
reduce the AI of Centralization, because it doesn't touch on the core
of any power-3 rules.]


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