I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
7796+  Henri      1.0  Credits v2
7797+  Henri      1.0  Salary
7798+  Henri      1.0  Civilian Prosecutors
7799+  Henri      1.0  Prime Minister
7800+  Henri      1.0  Motion of No Confidence

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
pp1    G.         1.0  Quick Changes

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.


ID: 7796
Title: Credits v2
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Henri

Create the following Rule named "Credits":

     Credit Balance is a player switch with possible values all
     positive integers tracked by the Registrar. Changes to Credit
     Balance are secured.

     A Credit Transfer of N credits occurs when a player (the
     transferer) switches eir Credit Balance to its current value
     minus N and switches another player's Credit Balance to its
     current value plus N. N cannot be less than the credit balance of
     the transferer before the transfer occurs. A player can conduct a
     credit transfer by announcement.

Create the following Power-1 Rule named "The Agoran Reserve":

     The Agoran Reserve is a singleton switch with possible values all
     integers tracked by the Bank Teller in eir monthly report.
     Changes to the Agoran Reserve are secured.

     The Bank Teller is an office. The Bank Teller CAN flip the Tax
     Rate by announcement.

     The Tax Rate is a singleton switch with possible integral values
     1 to 100 inclusive. Changes to Tax Rate are secured. The Bank
     Teller CAN flip the Tax Rate without the Prime Minister's

     The Bank Teller SHOULD keep the Tax Rate as low as possible. The
     Bank Teller SHALL NOT allow the Agoran Reserve to be negative for
     two consecutive months.

     At the beginning of each month, the Bank Teller shall, for each
     player, transfer N credits from the player to the Agoran Reserve,
     where N is equal to (X/100)*Y, X is the Tax Rate and Y is the
     Credit Balance of the player. The Bank Teller shall do so in a
     single message.

The Agoran Reserve is equal to 1000 credits upon resolution of this


ID: 7797
Title: Salary
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Henri

If Proposal "Credits" is adopted, create the following Power-1 Rule
named "Salary":

     Salary is a office switch tracked by the ADoP in eir weekly
     report. Changes to salary are secured.

     Once a month, the Bank Teller shall transfer N credits from the
     Agoran Reserve to each officeholder where N is equal to the sum
     of the salary switches of each office they hold, if any.

     An officeholder may increase the Salary of eir office by
     announcement without objection from the Prime Minister. An
     officeholder can decrease the Salary of an office e holds by

Set all officeholder Salaries to 20 credits.


ID: 7798
Title: Civilian Prosecutors
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Henri

If Proposal "Credits" is adopted, create the following Power-1 Rule,
named "Civil Cases":

     A Civil Case is a type of Judicial Case. For a Judicial Case to
     be a Civil Case, the initiator must specify it as such. When
     initiating a Civil Case, the initiator must specify:

     a) A player (the defendant), other than emself.

     b) A violation of the ruleset committed by the defendant for
        which the defendant has not yet been punished.

     c) A Penalty Sum.

     If a Civil Case is judged TRUE, the Arbitor CAN and SHALL
     transfer a sum of credits equal to the Penalty Sum specified in
     the Civil Case from the defendant to the initiator within two
     days of the announcement of the decision. If a Civil Case is
     judged FALSE, the initiator shall transfer 1 credit to the
     defendant within 2 days of the announcement of the decision.


ID: 7799
Title: Prime Minister
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Henri

Add the following to Rule 2423 "First Among Equals":

     The Prime Minister CAN dismiss an officeholder by announcement.
     When the Prime Minister dismisses an officeholder, the
     officeholder ceases to hold the office. The Prime Minister is
     encouraged to state the reason for dismissal.

     The Prime Minister CAN assign a player to an office. When the
     Prime Minister assigns a player to an office, the player becomes
     the officeholder.


ID: 7800
Title: Motion of No Confidence
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Henri

Create the following Power-1 Rule named "Motion of No Confidence":

     Any player can cause the office of Prime Minister to become
     vacant with 2 Agoran Consent by publishing a message with the
     character string "MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE" in the subject line.


ID: pp1
Title: Quick Changes
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Create the following Rule, Change Requests, power 0.5:

      A Change Request (CR) is a document published with a clear
      statement that it is intended to be a Change Request.

      A player CAN cause a specified, published CR to take effect with
      Agoran Support; the full text of the request must be clearly
      included both in the announcement of intent and in the
      announcement causing it to take effect.

      When a Change Request takes effect, its power is set to the
      power of this Rule, and except as prohibited by other rules,
      the changes specified CAN be applied, and are applied.

      The Rulekeepor SHOULD assign ID numbers to Change Requests that
      take effect.


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