I resolve the decision(s) to adopt proposal(s) 78572-7875 as below.


[This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
 following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
 Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!). If a
 decision's voting period is still ongoing, I end it immediately
 before resolving it and after resolving the previous decision.]

ID     Author(s)     AI   Title                       Pender      Pend fee
7872*  o             2.0  Estate Auction Cleanup      o           1 AP
7873*  o, babelian   2.0  Agoraculture                o           1 AP
7874*  o             2.0  Shorter Apologies           o           3 sh.
7875*  nichdel       1.0  Better Accounting           o           1 AP

|        | 7872 | 7873 | 7874 | 7875 |
|Aris    | F    | P    | F    | F    |
|nichdel | P    | P    | F    | F    |
|o       | F    | F    | F    | F    |
|F/A     | 2/0  | 1/0  | 3/0  | 3/0  |
|AI      | 2.0  | 2.0  | 2.0  | 1.0  |
|V       | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    |
|Q       | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    |
|P       | T    | T    | T    | T    |

The full text of the adopted proposal(s) is included below.

ID: 7872
Title: Estate Auction Cleanup
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: o

In Rule 2491 ("Estate Auctions"), replace the second paragraph with:

  During an auction, any player may bid a number of Shinies on eir
  own behalf by announcement, or on behalf of any Organization for
  which such a bid is Appropriate by announcement, provided the bid
  is higher than any previously-placed bid in the same auction.

  If, at the end of the auction, there is a single highest bid, then
  that player or Organization wins the auction. The player who
  placed the winning bid CAN cause Agora to transfer the auctioned
  Estate to the winner by announcement, by paying Agora the amount
  of the bid, or by causing the winning Organization to pay Agora
  the amount of the bid. E SHALL do so in a timely fashion.

ID: 7873
Title: Agoraculture
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: o
Co-authors: babelian

Enact a new rule, with power 1.0, titled "Farm Rate", with the following text:

  The Farm Rate is a natural singleton switch, tracked by the

Set the Farm Rate to 20.

Enact a new rule, with power 2.0, titled "Agoraculture", with the following

  Each Estate has a Farm switch, tracked by the Agronomist, with
  values "farmed" and "unfarmed", defaulting to "unfarmed". Changes
  to Farm switches are secured. An Estate whose Farm switch is
  "farmed" is a Farm, and its owner is the Farmer of that Estate.

  In the first week of an Agoran month, the owner of an unfarmed
  Estate MAY flip its Farm switch to "farmed" by announcement, if e
  pays Agora a number of shinies equal to the Farm Rate.

  In the first week of an Agoran month, the owner of a Farm MAY till
  the farm by announcement, if e pays Agora a number of shinies equal
  to the Farm Rate. If the Farmer of an Estate does not till it
  within the first week of an Agoran month, the Agronomist CAN flip
  its Farm switch to "unfarmed" by announcement, and SHALL do so in a
  timely fashion.

  When an Estate is transferred to Agora or to an Organization, its
  Farm switch is set to "unfarmed" immediately afterwards.

Enact a new rule, with power 2.0, titled "Comestibles", with the following text:

  A Comestible is a type of liquid asset, which can be owned by
  players. Creating Comestibles is secured. The recordkeepor of
  Comestibles is the Agronomist.

  The Farmer of an Estate may offer Comestibles by announcement,
  naming a number of Comestibles offered and a price per Comestible
  in Shinies. A player CANNOT offer more Comestibles in a month than
  10 times the number of Farms e owns. The Farmer is ENCOURAGED to
  name the kind of Comestibles on offer after a plant, vegetable,
  grain, livestock, or other farm good.

  A player other than the offering Farmer may accept a Comestibles
  offer by announcement to create that number of Comestibles in eir
  possession, if e pays the offering Farmer the price per Comestible
  named in the offer times the number of Comestbiles offered. The
  Value of a Comestible created this way is equal to the price per
  Comestible offered by the Farmer.

  An offer expires at the end of the Agoran month in which it is
  made. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an offer CANNOT be
  accepted if it has expired.

  During an Agoran Decision, a player can increase their voting
  strength on that decision by destroying (syn. "eating",
  "consuming") Comestibles. Eir voting strength is increased by
  one-tenth the total Value of the Comestibles destroyed this way,
  rounded down, to a maximum of 5.

  A Comestible is an Expired Comestible if it was created by
  accepting an offer announced more than three Agoran months ago. An
  Expired Comestible CANNOT be consumed to increase voting strength,
  and MAY be destroyed by any player, by announcement. The Agronomist
  SHALL destroy all Expired Comestibles at the start of each Agoran

Enact a new rule, with power 2.0, titled “The Agronomist”, with the following

  The Agronomist is an office.

  The Agronomist's weekly report includes:

  * A list of Farms and their owners.

  * A list of Comestibles offers that have not been accepted and have
    not expired.

Make babelian the Agronomist.

ID: 7874
Title: Shorter Apologies
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: o

Amend rule 2427 ("Yellow Cards"), replacing the number 200 with the number 150
wherever it appears in the text of the rule.

ID: 7845
Title: Better Accounting
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: nichdel

Amend R2496 "Rewards" by, at the end of the first paragraph, adding:

  When a player claims a reward, e SHALL list the number of shinies e
  receives, or it is INEFFECTIVE.

Amend R2497 "Floating Value" by, at the end, adding:

  When the Secretary flips the Floating Value, e SHOULD note the new
  values for rewards and expenses.

ID: pp1
Title: Organization Repeal
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: o

Destroy each Organization.

Repeal rule 2459 ("Organizations").

Repeal rule 2461 ("Death and Birth of Organizations").

Repeal rule 2460 ("Organizational Restructuring").

Repeal rule 2457 ("Lockout").

Repeal rule 2458 ("Invoking Lockout").

Repeal rule 2462 ("Bankruptcy").

Amend rule 2456 ("The Secretary") by

  * Changing its title to "The Treasuror", then by
  * Replacing its text, entirely, with:

        The Treasuror is an office, and the recordkeepor of Shinies.

        The Treasuror's weekly report also includes:

        1. the current Floating Value, and all derived values
           defined by the Rules.

Make o the Treasuror.

Amend rule 2166 ("Assets") by:

  * Replacing the paragraph:

        Unless modified by an asset's backing document, ownership
        of an asset is restricted to Agora, persons, and


        Unless modified by an asset's backing document, ownership
        of an asset is restricted to Agora and persons.

    then by

    * Removing the paragraph:

        An organization's charter CAN specify whether or not that
        organization is willing receive assets or a class of
        assets. Generally, an organization CANNOT be given assets
        its charter states that it is unwilling to receive. The
        previous provisions of this paragraph do not apply to an
        asset if the organization is required to provide that asset
        in order to continue existing.

Amend rule 2489 ("Estates") by replacing the first sentence with:

      An Estate is a type of indestructible liquid asset.

Amend rule 2491 ("Estate Auctions") by replacing its text,
entirely, with:

      At the start of each month, if Agora owns at least one
      Estate, the Surveyor shall put one Estate which is owned by
      Agora up for auction, by announcement. Each auction ends
      seven days after it begins.

      During an auction, any player may bid a number of Shinies
      by announcement, provided that the bid is higher than any
      previously-placed bid in the same auction.

      If, at the end of the auction, there is a single highest
      bid, then the player who placed that bid wins the auction.
      The player who placed the winning bid CAN cause Agora to
      transfer the auctioned Estate to the winner by
      announcement, if e pays Agora the amount of the bid. E
      SHALL do so in a timely fashion.

Amend rule 2483 ("Economics") by replacing its text, entirely, with:

      Shinies (singular "shiny", abbreviated "sh.") are an
      indestructible liquid currency, and the official currency
      of Agora. The Treasuror is the recordkeepor for shinies.

      The Treasuror CAN cause Agora to pay any player or
      organization by announcement if doing so is specified by a

Repeal rule 2485 ("You can't take it with you").

Amend the following rules, in order, by replacing the word
"Secretary" with the word "Treasuror" wherever it appears:

  * Rule 2487 ("Shiny Supply Level")
  * Rule 2498 ("Economic Wins")
  * Rule 2497 ("Floating Value")


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