This is the Referee's Weekly Repor

Yo I figured out that fixed-width font exists, and the tables are correctly
spaced! I'm embarrassed that I did not previously possess this knowledge.
Date of this report: 31 Oct 2017
Date of last report: 24 Oct 2017

Recent events
Wed,  4 Oct 2017: o issued a Green Card for violating rule 2479
Thu,  5 Oct 2017: V.J Rada made a pledge
Thu,  5 Oct 2017: ATMunn made a pledge
Sun,  8 Oct 2017: V.J Rada pointed a finger at Gaelan for violating
​ ​
rule 2202
Mon,  9 Oct 2017: Alexis pointed a finger at Aris for failing to distribute
Mon,  9 Oct 2017: o withdrew a pledge
Wed, 11 Oct 2017: Aris issued a Green Card for violating rule 2143
Wed, 11 Oct 2017:  V.J Rada made a pledge
Wed, 11 Oct 2017: Finger pointed at Gaelan found to be Shenanigans
​Previous Report
Wed, 11 Oct 2017: o issued a Green Card for violating rule 2456
Wed, 11 Oct 2017: o issued a Green Card for violating rule 2456
Fri, 13 Oct 2017: G. made a pledge
Sun, 15 Oct, 2017: V.J. Rada pointed a finger at V.J. Rada for Fraud
Fri, 19 Oct, 2017: Alexis pointed a finger at Gaelan for Tardiness
Sun, 15 Oct 2017: V.J. Rada made a pledge
Mon, 16 Oct 2017: Alexis pointed a finger at Aris for violating rule
​ ​
Sun, 22 Oct 2017: P.S.S. made a pledge
Mon, 23 Oct 2017: P.S.S made a pledge
Tue, 24 Oct 2017: Green Card issued to o. for Tardiness
Tue, 24 Oct 2017: Yellow Card issued to Gaelan for Tardiness
Tue, 24 Oct 2017: Finger pointed at Gaelan found to be Shenanigans
Tue, 24 Oct 2017
​: Green Card issued to V.J. Rada for No Finger Response​
Tue, 24 Oct 2017
​: Green Card issued to V.J. Rada for No Finger Response​
----Time of Last Report----
Tue  24 Oct 2017: o made a pledge
​Wed, 25 Oct 2017: Nichdel made a pledge
Fri, 27 Oct 2017: G. made a pledge
Sun, 29 Oct 2017: Cuddlebeam made a pledge
Mon, 30 Oct 2017: Green Card issued to Aris for Tardiness
Mon, 30 Oct 2017: V.J. Rada made a pledge.
Tue, 31 Oct 2017: Three pledges owned by V.J. Rada destroyed
Tue, 31 Oct 2017: Pledge owned by ATMunn destroyed
​Tue, 31 Oct 2017: Green Card issued to o. for R2516 Lateness​

​​[1] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Green Cards:
Player       On             Reason
P.S.S.[1]    May 16, 2017   Tardiness
P.S.S.[1]    May 20, 2017   Ambiguity
Murphy       Jun 22, 2017   Faking
Gaelan       Jun 23, 2017   Tardiness
Gaelan       Jun 23, 2017   Tardiness
o            Jul 11, 2017   Tardiness
V.J Rada     Jul 14, 2017   Making My Eyes Bleed
o            Jul 18, 2017   Tardiness
o            Jul 29, 2017   Tardiness
Gaelan       Jul 29, 2017   Late Judgement
o            Sep  4, 2017   Rule 2498
Quazie       Sep  7, 2017   Rule 2201
天火狐        Sep 12, 2017   No reason
o            Sep 12, 2017   Rule 2426
o            Sep 12, 2017   Rule 2478
V.J Rada     Sep 15, 2017   Rule 2496
nichdel      Sep 20, 2017   Rule 2450
o            Sep 20, 2017   Rule 2478
o            Sep 22, 2017   Rule 2426
V.J Rada     Sep 24, 2017   Rule 2143
CuddleBeam   Sep 26, 2017   No reason
CuddleBeam   Sep 26, 2017   No reason
o            Sep 26, 2017   Rule 2426
P.S.S.[1]    Sep 27, 2017   Rule 2143
V.J Rada     Oct  3, 2017   Rule 2471
o            Oct  4, 2017   Rule 2479
Aris         Oct 11, 2017   Rule 2143
o            Oct 11, 2017
​ ​
  Rule 2456
o            Oct 11, 2017
​ ​
Rule 2456
o            Oct 24, 2017
​ ​

[1] Named, in full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus.

​Yellow Cards: ​

Player        Until          Reason       Apology Words
Quazie       (Apr 26, 2017)  Bankruptcy
o            (Apr 22, 2017)  Tardiness
o            (Jul 15, 2017)  Tardiness
o            (Jul 15, 2017)  Tardiness
CuddleBeam    Jul 16, 2017   Tardiness
P.S.S.[1]     Sep 15, 2017   Rule 2143
o            (Aug 23, 2017)  Rule 2491
Quazie       (Sep 13, 2017)  Rule 2450
V.J Rada     (Sep 15, 2017)  Being bad
​  ​
Nov 24, 2017   Tardiness

[1] Named, in full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus.
Dates in () indicate completed apology.

Red Cards:

Player       On             Reason
Cuddlebeam   Jul 21, 2017   Faking

Pink Slips:

Player   On             Office       Reason
Gaelan   May 22, 2017   Rulekeepor   Forgery


Quazie -
I pledge to give 1 Shiny to the first person who can
correctly, with e-mail citations, explain what I did wrong on
​ ​
Jan 20th 2009 that has since led to me being a fugitive. For
​ ​
the explanation to be valid for this pledge, it should be fully
​ ​
self contained, I should not have to go look up past rules in
​ ​
order to understand the explanation (So please, include all
​ ​
source info in the explanation).

V.J Rada -
I pledge not to make any thread titles completely unrelated to
​ ​
the email's content, nor use any agency or other mechanism to
​ ​
attempt to gain control of any player at the exclusion of all
​ ​
other players.

Gaelan (14 Sep 2017) -
I pledge to, for at least the next month, vote AGAINST any
proposal that amends rules by providing new text in full unless
​ ​
the text of the rule is nearly entirely changed.

nichdel -
I pledge to vote AGAINST on all proposals created or pended by
​ ​
Cuddle Beam.

nichdel -
I pledge to Object to all intentions by Cuddle Beam that I can
​ ​
object to.

nichdel -
I pledge to give a trust token and 5 shinies (as soon as
possible) to any other player who also performs the above three
​ ​
pledges, except Cuddle Beam.

nichdel -
I pledge to not refer to 天火狐 as Josh or Josh T.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus -
I too pledge to not refer to 天火狐 as Josh or Josh T.

o -
If there is exactly one winning bid, and if that bid includes a blurb
​ ​
describing the region of Dawsbergen, of at least 70 words, I will include
​ ​
that blurb in at least one future Surveyor’s report if it is possible for
​ ​
me to do so. I will pay the lesser of 10% of the winning bid, rounded up,
​ ​
or 50 Shinies, to the player who made the bid,immediately after
​ r​
esolving the auction.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus -
I...pledge to fix the margins, if the issue is explained to me.

Publius Scr
bonius Scholasticus -
I pledge to deputize for the rulekeepor on October 19, 2017, if it is
​ ​
still possible.

G. (referring to CFJ 3575)-
I pledge that, if the below CFJ is found TRUE and survives
​ ​
the Reconsideration/Moot time frame, I will transfer 41
​ ​
Shinies to Agora as unofficial payment for this (and
​ ​
no other purpose).

​ - (Oct 24)
I pledge to publish the following reports in the next two days:

* Secretary’s weekly report
* Referee’s weekly report
* Surveyor’s weekly report
* Agronomist’s weekly report
* Notary’s weekly report
​Nichdel -
I pledge to either withdraw or pend the below
​ proposal within
7 days
​ ​
from this message.​

​[Referee's note: This pledge refers to a proposal in the message listed

​G. -
I pledge to act on exactly one of the above intents (assuming at least
​ ​
one receives the appropriate Consent),
​ ​
using the ratio of Support/Object
​ ​
as a guide to the
​ ​
ppropriate one, with ties or mixed consensus broken
​ ​
in favor of the higher degree.
[Referee's note: This pledge refers to intents in the message listed here:

Cuddlebeam -
I pledge to hook people up in a reasonable amount of time, according to the
message above, during what's left of the current month and November.​

[Referee's note: This pledge refers to the message listed at]

​V.J. Rada -
I pledge to give a win and a black ribbon to everyone who votes for
"hopefully you guys all vote for this" if that passes.

>From V.J. Rada

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