Zombie Auctions[1]

I put the Zombie Quazie up for auction (i.e. I initiate this auction).

I put the Zombie 天火狐 up for auction (i.e. I initiate this auction).

I put the Zombie nichdel up for auction (i.e. I initiate this auction).

These are Three SEPARATE auctions.

For EACH of the above auctions, the following information *might*
need to be specified.  If so:
- Each is auctioning a single lot for ability to set this zombie's 
  Master switch to be the winner (somewhat uncertain what is being
  "won" by the general auction rules).
- The Registrar is the Auctioneer and Announcer (perhaps, this may
  or may not be defined for Zombie auctions).
- Currency is shinies (definitely, all rules agree).
- Minimum bid *might* be 1 shiny (R1885 might conflict with 
  R2546-2552 on this).


There is a Rules issue (isn't there always?)

R1885 (power-2) describe a complete procedure for Zombie Auctions,
including how to start, conduct, and end a Zombie auction.

Rules 2546-2552 (power-1) describe a procedure for auctions in 
general.  However, this conflicts in several places with R1885.
R1885 wins the power battle.  In particular, they differ on how
an auction ends and how it is paid out, and what information needs
to be announced to start one.

I think the best interpretation is that R1885 describes a complete
"Zombie Auction" procedure that differs from the general auctions.
However, you could also say that the low-powered Rules "fill in some
gaps" where they don't conflict.

Here, I am assuming I'm running a R1885 Zombie Auction.  However,
in places where it doesn't hurt things to use the power-1 rules
(e.g. specifying the extra information in the initiation), I'll do
that to avoid direct conflict as much as possible.

If there *is* a direct conflict that arises, we can deal with it
then.  Here we go!

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