I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 5.0, the voting method is AI-majority and the valid options
are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional

ID     Author(s)    AI   Title                       Pender      Pend fee
8031*  [1]          2.0  Nomicbots Minigame          CuddleBeam  1 Paper

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID    Author(s)     AI   Title
pp1   G.            1.0  Free Tournaments

[1] CuddleBeam, Gaelan, ATMunn, Trigon, Kenyon

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.

A proposal may be pended for 1 Paper or Without Objection.

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 8031
Title: Nomicbots Minigame
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: CuddleBeam
Co-authors: Gaelan, ATMunn, Trigon, Kenyon

Create the following rule with Power = 2.0 and title "Nomicbots":


Nomicbots are an asset. Each Nomicbot has Instructions, a Name, a Banner
and a Memory Capacity. A Nomicbot's Instructions is a text document with
instructions about its behavior. A Nomicbot's Instructions is blank by
default. A Nomicbot's name is a string, defaulting to "Nomicbot". A
Nomicbot's Banner is a switch with values of Risen or Lowered, defaulting
to Lowered. A Nomicbot's Memory Capacity in a numerical switch, which
defaults to 100.

Any player CAN create a Nomicbot in eir possession by announcement by
destroying 1 ore. A Player can change their Nomicbot's Name or Banner by
announcement. A Player CAN destroy X of their corn and stone to cause
modifications to the text of the Instructions of one of their Nomicbots which
involve adding or removing up to X*3 characters (e.g. adding A characters
and removing B characters, where A+B < X), by announcement, unless this
would cause its Instructions to have more characters than its Memory
Capacity, in which case its INEFFECTIVE.

A Player CAN destroy 1 of their fabric per 50 Memory Capacity a Nomicbot
they own has, to increase the Memory Capacity of that Nomicbot by 50, by

Nomicbots can Battle, and there is a Battle at the Main Arena among all
eligible Nomicbots at the start of each Month, hosted by the Botmastor -
this is the Monthly Battle. A Nomicbot is eligible if they are the only
Nomicbot belonging to a player with a Banner with a value of Risen.

If a Nomicbot wins the Monthly Battle, their owner earns 1/Z Merit (a
and indestructible asset), where Z is the amount of Nomicbots which won
that Battle. When a player has 1 Merit, they win the game and lose all
their Merit.

Nomicbot Battles are games of Nomic, played according to the Arena they
take place at along:
- With the players being the Nomicbots
- All Judge and interpretation requirements specific to the Battle
defaulting to the Botmastor.
- If the result of a Nomicbot's Instructions at a situation is not
unambiguous or determinate, or overly rely on external information, that
Nomicbot crashes at that moment, and is then removed from play from that
- If the Battle would never end, it instead ends with nobody as the winner.

Arenas are rulesets of Nomic, tracked by the Botmastor, and Arenas have a
Status switch of Main or Secondary (defaulting to Secondary). The Botmastor CAN
add or remove a Secondary Arena with 2 Agoran Consent. The Botmastor CAN
set the Status of an Arena to Main with 2 Agoran Consent. Doing this sets
the Status of all other Arenas to Secondary .

The Botmastor is an Office. The Botmastor shall publish a report within the
first week of each month with:
- The results of the Monthly Battle and their processing of it (and CAN and
SHALL do this manual processing).
- The Instructions, Name, Banner, Memory Capacity and owner of each


Then, add Peter Suber's original Nomic Initial Ruleset as a Main Arena.

ID: pp1
Title: Free Tournaments
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule Rule 2464 (Tournaments) by replacing:
  within 4 weeks
  within 3 months

and by appending the following sentence to its text:
  The person who initiates a tournament is its Gamemaster.

Create the following Rule, Free Tournaments:

  A player who is not the gamemaster of an existing tournament CAN
  initiate a sanctioned tournament with a specified set of regulations
  with 2 Agoran Consent. A tournament created using this method is
  called a Free Tournament. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, only
  players CAN win the game via a free tournament.

  A free tournament CAN be concluded with no winner without 3 objections.
  Tournaments SHOULD only be concluded in this manner if it is clear that
  its regulations are malformed or contrary to the tournament's intent or
  that it is IMPOSSIBLE for any player to win the tournament.


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