COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report for TODO date)

Disclaimer: Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
            Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)
3638 called by Cuddle Beam 23 May 2018, assigned to Gaelan 4 June 2018:
"The above is a notice of honor."

3639 (if it exists) called by ais523 (probably) 31 May 2018, assigned to
V.J. Rada 4 June 2018: "This is a CFJ."

Highest numbered case: 3639 (if it exists, if not then 3638)

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications
3636 called 29 Apr 2018 by V.J. Rada, judged TRUE 4 May 2018 by G.,
re-judged FALSE 8 May 2018 by G.: Same principle as before, but
taking a counting issue into account.

Day Court Judge         Recent
Corona                  3627, 3628
                       [02/14 02/14]
Murphy                  3626, 3627, 3628
                       [03/01 03/01 03/01]
G.                      3631, 3637, 3636
                       [04/20 04/30 05/04]
Gaelan                  3638
V.J. Rada               3639 (if it exists)

Weekend Court Judge     Recent     (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn                  3633

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3638 "The above":

> This is a notice of honor
> -1 Agora
> +1 Agora

*** 3638 caller Cuddle Beam's arguments:

- It's not a notice of honor because it causes Agora's Honor to go
further away from 0 and only an individual action happens per instant as
per CFJ 2086, so the -1 would need to happen first, but since it would
make Agora's Honor go further than 0, it doesn't happen.
- It's a notice of honor because the notice of honor as a single unit is
the action, not the individual movements it's composed of.
- It's a notice of honor because the above doesn't matter and the player
requirement implicitly only applies when a player is targeted.
- It's not a notice of honor because it doesn't "provide a reason for
specifying that Player" (and I never can, because Agora isn't a player).
And the implicit rule mentioned above doesn't exist.

*** 3639 (if it exists) was sent via a dice roller service:

> Comment: If this dice rolls an odd number, I call for judgement on the
>   statement "This is a CFJ".
> 5

*** 3639 presumed caller ais523's arguments:

Is this a future conditional? At the time this message was
sent, the caller couldn't have known whether the CFJ would be called or

As for other potential issues, I think there's fairly established
precedent that is is in fact possible to use a third-party mail service
to send an email and have it count as a public action. On the other
hand, there isn't much evidence in the quoted email as to who the
sender was. (Circumstantial evidence does make it seem likely that it
was me, though; and the action should succeed regardless of who sent
it, given that anyone can call a CFJ.)

Finally, is the "comment" field of a set of automated dice roll results
sufficient to take an action by announcement? It's part of the message
body, but may not be labelled clearly enough.

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