If the below decisions were not resolved on the date indicated below,
I resolve them as indicated:

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Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 11:47:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu>
To: Agora Official <agora-official@agoranomic.org>
Subject: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8050-8052

I resolve the Agoran Decisions to adopt Proposals 8050-8052 as follows.
Quorum is 6 for all of these proposals.

8050 (Pledge Simply by G., AI-1.7)  
FOR:     V.J. Rada, 2xG., Corona, twg, Aris
F/A:     6/0

8051 (Zombie Overhaul v1.0 by G., Aris, AI-3.0)                
FOR:     V.J. Rada, 2xG., o, Telnaior, omd, pokes, twg, Aris 
PRESENT: Murphy, Corona
F/A:     9/0

8052 (Let's not make game assets one letter different from each other
       by V.J. Rada, AI-3.0)
FOR:     Murphy, Aris, twg, 2xG.  
PRESENT: o, Telnaior
F/A:     5/0

ID: 8050
Title: Pledge Simply
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: G.

[The Asset-nature of pledges is complicated and serves no purpose;
if pledges are to be used for out-of-Agora agreements, the Agoran
Consent constraint makes no sense as it's not a voting matter].

Amend Rule 2450 (Pledges) to read in full:

   If a Player makes a clear public pledge (syn. Oath) to perform
   (or refrain from performing) certain actions, then breaking the
   pledge within the pledge's time window is the Class N crime of
   Oathbreaking, where N is 2 unless the pledge explicitly states
   otherwise.  The time window of a pledge is 60 days, unless
   the pledge explicitly states otherwise.

   If breaking the pledge harms specific other parties, the Referee
   SHOULD solicit the opinion of those parties in determining an
   appropriate fine.

   The Notary's Weekly Report includes a copy of all pledges that
   are within their time window, and the dates the pledges were

All pledges that existed as assets the instant before this Proposal
took effect are hereby made pledges under the current version of
Rule 2450, with their creation dates equal to their date of creation
as assets.

ID: 8051
Title: Zombie Overhaul v1.0
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.
Co-authors: Aris

[TODO:  Check proposals adopted since the last SLR for conflicts]

Create the following Rule, Zombie Life Cycle, power=3:

   Any player CAN, with Notice, flip the master switch of an active
   player who has not made a public announcement in the past 60 days
   to Agora.

   Resale is a secured natural switch for zombies, tracked by the
   Registrar, with a default value of 2. Whenever a zombie's master
   switch is flipped to a player other than emself, eir resale value
   is decreased by 1.

   A zombie with a resale value of 0 CANNOT have eir master switch
   flipped to a player other than emself, rules to the contrary

   Any player CAN, with Notice:
     - If a zombie has been a zombie for the past 90 days and not had
      Agora for a master during any of that time, flip the zombie's
      master switch to Agora;
     - If a player is master to more than one zombie, flip the master
      switch of one of that master's zombies to Agora;
     - Deregister a zombie whose master is Agora and who has a Resale
      value of 0.

   The Registrar SHALL track the date that each zombie last belonged
   to Agora in eir weekly report.  The Registrar SHALL perform all
   POSSIBLE actions in the preceding paragraph in a timely fashion
   after first reporting their possibility via the facts in eir
   weekly report.

Amend Rule 2532 (Zombies) to read in full:

   Master is a secured player switch with possible values of any
   player, and Agora. Every player's default master is emself; rules
   to the contrary notwithstanding, a player CAN always flip eir own
   master to emself by announcement.

   A player whose master is not emself is a zombie (syn. inactive);
   all other players are active.  A zombie's master, if another
   player, is allowed to act on behalf of the zombie (i.e. as the
   zombie's agent), except a master CANNOT act on behalf of a zombie
     - initiate, support, object to, or perform a dependent action;
     - act on behalf of that zombie's zombies;
     - bid in a zombie auction;
     - enter a contract, pledge, or other type of agreement;
     - deregister.

   A zombie's master CAN flip that zombie's master switch to Agora by

   If a master causes a zombie to perform an ILLEGAL action, the
   master commits the Class 4+N Crime of Masterminding (where N is
   the class of the illegal action).

   If a active player who was a zombie has not received a Welcome
   Package since e most recently ceased being a zombie, and if eir
   resale value was less than 2 at any point during eir most recent
   time as a zombie, then any player CAN cause em to receive a
   Welcome Package by announcement.

Every active player who was a zombie with a master other than Agora at
some point in time since Oct 1, 2017 is hereby awarded a Welcome

Amend Rule 2531 (Referee Accountability) by replacing the . in the
first paragraph with:
   , or if it attempts to levy a fine on a zombie for an action
   that its master performed on its behalf.

Amend Rule 1885 (Zombie Auctions) by replacing:
   (2) an auction for it is not underway, and (3)
   (2) is not a lot in an ongoing auction, (3) has a resale value
   greater than 0, and (4)

and by replacing:
   The Registrar is the announcer, and the minimum bid is 1.
   The Registrar is the announcer, and the minimum bid is 1.  Rules
   to the contrary notwithstanding, the master of a zombie CANNOT
   bid in a zombie auction. If a player becomes a zombie's master,
   all eir bids in zombie auctions that have not ended are withdrawn.

Amend Rule 869 (How to Join and Leave Agora) by removing:
   If a player has not sent a message to a public forum in the last
   month, then any player CAN deregister em with 3 Agoran Consent.

Repeal Rule 2554 (Zombiception).

omd's master switch is hereby set to omd.

Create the following Rule, The Distributor, power=3:

   The Distributor is an imposed office whose holder is generally
   responsible for the management of the primary Agoran fora.
   The holder CANNOT be changed except Without Objection or by
   proposal.  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the
   Distributor's master switch CANNOT be flipped to be other than
   emself, and e CANNOT deregister or be deregistered.

omd is hereby made the Distributor.

ID: 8052
Title: Let's not make game assets one letter different from each other
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: V.J. Rada

Amend rule 2003 by replacing "substitute 1 coin for three or fewer
apples" with "substitute 1 corn for 3 or fewer apples".


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