Corona wins all the quoted auctions for 38 coins.

I'm out of town and have been therefore unable to use my computer for a
while. Therefore, this resolution was written up on a paper instead of
typed up in order to save me the headache of having to do mobile
formatting. Here it is:

Don't CFJ this. Please.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018, 12:53 Reuben Staley <> wrote:

> There are currently more public, unpreserved, non-aether land units in
> existence than I feel like counting. 5 land units of my choice are put
> up for auction.
> For the following 5 auctions, I am the announcer, Agora is the
> auctioneer, and the minimum bid is 1 coin, and the lots are as such:
> AUCTION 1: the land unit at (-6, -1)
> AUCTION 2: the land unit at (-6, +1)
> AUCTION 3: the land unit at (-6, -2)
> AUCTION 4: the land unit at (-6, +2)
> AUCTION 5: the land unit at (+6, -1)
> --
> Trigon

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