Well, if the resolution message actually is self-ratifying, I see no reason
why the following shouldn't work, assuming this message actually is received
by a "reasonable number" of people. (So please confirm receipt!)


On July 19, 2018 3:09 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> Claim of error on resolutions of 8059, 8064, and 8065:
> twg's vote as follows also fails.
> > "If the votes on proposal XXXX at the end of its voting period are
> > such that it has been or will be ADOPTED, then FOR; otherwise
> > AGAINST." evaluates to AGAINST. (twg)
> Reason: voting strength can change after the end of the voting period,
> so even at the end you can't know if it "will be adopted" until it is
> Assessed. The only correct phrasing I can think of is "If the decision
> was assessed exactly at the end of the voting period and the result if
> assessed at that moment would be X, then Y, else Z".

On July 19, 2018 7:57 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey <m...@timon.red> wrote:
> ​​However, I do have a couple more CoEs to submit:
> Firstly, my zombie is Kenyon, actually; Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> is o's master. See:
> <https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-business@agoranomic.org/msg32186.html>.
> I don't believe this changes the outcome of any proposal, but I want to
> avoid any possible weirdness that might come of self-ratification.
> Secondly, I voted (unconditionally) AGAINST proposal 8063:
> <https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-business@agoranomic.org/msg32295.html>.
> Again, this doesn't change the outcome of the proposal, but I'm a little
> concerned about the possibility that other people's votes might also have
> been miscounted, which very well could.

For each of the 3 above-quoted CoEs: If it has not been claimed against the
document(s) in which the Assessor resolved Proposals 8058-8065, I claim it
against said document(s).

I deputise for the Assessor to accept the 3 above-quoted CoEs and publish
the following revision. (No overall results have changed from the original


8058, AI-1.0  (Medal of Honour Auctions, by V.J. Rada)
FOR:       V.J. Rada, Ouri, Corona, 天火狐
AGAINST:   PSS, o, Aris, twg, Kenyon[1], Murphy
PRESENT:   G., Trigon, Quazie, ATMunn, nichdel, CuddleBeam
F/A:       5/6

8059, AI-1.0  (honour is its own reward, by G.)
FOR:       PSS, o, G., Aris, ATMunn, nichdel
AGAINST:   V.J. Rada, Ouri, Corona, 天火狐
PRESENT:   Trigon, Quazie, CuddleBeam, Murphy, twg[2], Kenyon[1]
F/A:       6/4

8060, AI-1.8  (Notary-B-Gone, by V.J. Rada)
FOR:       PSS, o, G., Aris, V.J. Rada, Ouri, ATMunn, nichdel, 
           Corona, 天火狐, twg, Kenyon[1], Murphy
PRESENT:   Trigon, Quazie, CuddleBeam
F/A:       13/0

8061, AI-1.0  (Free Proposals, by Aris)
FOR:       PSS, o, Aris, Trigon, Quazie, ATMunn, nichdel, twg, Kenyon[1]
AGAINST:   G., Telnaior, V.J. Rada, Ouri
PRESENT:   Corona, 天火狐, CuddleBeam, Murphy
F/A:       9/4

8062, AI-3.0  (The End of the World, Again, by Trigon)
FOR:       PSS, o, Aris, Trigon, Quazie, CuddleBeam
AGAINST:   G., Telnaior, V.J. Rada, Ouri, Corona, 天火狐, twg, Kenyon[1]
PRESENT:   ATMunn, nichdel, Murphy
F/A:       6/8

8063, AI-2.0  (IAR Writs Repeal, by V.J. Rada)
FOR:       G., V.J. Rada, Ouri, Corona, 天火狐
AGAINST:   Aris, PSS, o
PRESENT:   Trigon, Quazie, ATMunn, nichdel, CuddleBeam, twg, Kenyon[1],
F/A:       5/3

8064, AI-1.0  (Land Grants, by G.)
FOR:       G., ATMunn, nichdel, Murphy
AGAINST:   V.J. Rada, Ouri
PRESENT:   Corona, 天火狐, CuddleBeam, PSS[3], o[3], Aris[4],
           Trigon[5], Quazie[5], twg[6], Kenyon[1]
F/A:       4/2

8065, AI-2.0  (No undead courts, by twg)
FOR:       G., ATMunn, nichdel, Corona, 天火狐, Murphy
PRESENT:   V.J. Rada, Ouri, CuddleBeam, PSS[3], o[3], Aris[4],
           Trigon[5], Quazie[5], twg[6], Kenyon[1]
F/A:       6/0

[1] Endorsing twg. (Kenyon)

[2] "If the votes on proposal 8058 at the end of its voting period are 
     such that it has been or will be ADOPTED, then FOR; otherwise 
     AGAINST." was intractable at the end of the voting period, evaluates
     to PRESENT. (twg)

[3] "Conditional: AGAINST, unless 8062 was REJECTED, in which case, FOR"
    was intractable at the end of the voting period, evaluates to PRESENT. 
    (PSS, o)

[4] "If P8062 is REJECTED, FOR; otherwise AGAINST." was intractable
    at the end of the voting period, evaluates to PRESENT. (Aris).

[5] "If 8062 passes, AGAINST. Otherwise FOR." was intractable at the
    end of the voting period, evaluates to PRESENT (Trigon, Quazie).

[6] "If the votes on proposal 8062 at the end of its voting period are 
    such that it has been or will be ADOPTED, then AGAINST; otherwise FOR."
    was intractable at the end of the voting period, evaluates to PRESENT.



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