As disappointing as it may be to me, I admit that Arcadia seems to be
becoming a little unpopular - Murphy and I were the only people that
performed land-related actions this week.

Perhaps it will be reinvigorated a little when this proposal batch
finally passes.

Also, I appear to have accidentally transferred my loom to Agora, per
Rule 2569 which I didn't see before "cleverly" trying to save myself
some future apples. Use it if you need some fabric, I guess?


Rules summary:
- Coins are obtained every month at Payday and used to buy zombies and
  Land Units at auctions.
- Stones are obtained from Mines and used to build, upgrade and maintain
  most Production Facilities.
- Apples are obtained from Orchards and used to move around the map and
  change the colour of Land Units.
- Corn is obtained from Farms and used for the same actions as Apples,
  but at a cheaper rate.

           ||Coins ||Stones|Apples| Corn ||
|ATMunn    ||   94 ||    6 |   42 |    3 ||
|Aris      ||  132 ||    5 |   40 |   12 ||
|Corona    ||  153 ||   64 |  129 |   49 ||
|CuddleBeam||   70 ||   11 |   28 |    9 ||
|G.        ||  435 ||  106 |  131 |   24 ||
|Murphy    ||   96 ||    8 |   43 |    7 ||
|omd       ||   30 ||    0 |   10 |    2 ||
|PSS       ||   43 ||    5 |   25 |    1 ||
|Trigon    ||   63 ||    2 |   19 |   18 ||
|twg       ||  396 ||   52 |   94 |    4 ||
|V.J. Rada ||  115 ||   10 |   80 |    3 ||
|Gaelan    ||   67 ||   14 |   38 |    2 ||
|Kenyon    ||    0 ||    0 |    0 |    0 ||
|nichdel   ||   30 ||    0 |   15 |    0 ||
|o         ||   20 ||    0 |   10 |    0 ||
|Ouri      ||   10 ||    0 |    5 |    0 ||
|pokes     ||   20 ||    0 |   10 |    0 ||
|Quazie    ||   20 ||    0 |   10 |    0 ||
|Telnaior  ||   10 ||    0 |    5 |    0 ||
|天火狐     ||   10 ||    0 |    5 |    0 ||
|Agora     || 1011 ||    - |    - |    - ||
           ||Coins ||Stones|Apples| Corn ||

Rules summary:
- Ore is obtained from Mines and converted to Steel using Refineries.
- Steel is used to upgrade Production Facilities and maintain Processing
- Lumber is obtained from Orchards and converted to Papers using Mills.
  It is also used to build, upgrade and maintain most Production
- Papers are currently useless.
- Cotton is obtained from Farms and converted to Fabric using Looms.
- Fabric is used to upgrade high-rank Production Facilities.

           || Ore  |Steel ||Lumber|Papers||Cotton|Fabric||
|ATMunn    ||    0 |    5 ||    7 |   18 ||    0 |    0 ||
|Aris      ||    0 |    5 ||    5 |   19 ||    0 |    0 ||
|Corona    ||   32 |    4 ||   27 |   37 ||    0 |  233 ||
|CuddleBeam||    4 |    5 ||    8 |   14 ||    9 |    0 ||
|G.        ||    0 |   82 ||   50 |   37 ||    3 |   38 ||
|Murphy    ||    8 |    5 ||    6 |   15 ||    0 |    0 ||
|omd       ||    0 |    5 ||    0 |    4 ||    0 |    0 ||
|PSS       ||    0 |    5 ||    5 |    9 ||    0 |    0 ||
|Trigon    ||    4 |    5 ||    0 |   11 ||    0 |   50 ||
|twg       ||    8 |  128 ||   56 |   21 ||    0 |   11 ||
|V.J. Rada ||    0 |    5 ||   10 |   26 ||    0 |    0 ||
|Gaelan    ||    6 |    5 ||    2 |   14 ||    0 |    0 ||
|Kenyon    ||    0 |    0 ||    0 |    0 ||    0 |    0 ||
|nichdel   ||    0 |    5 ||    0 |    6 ||    0 |    0 ||
|o         ||    0 |    5 ||    0 |    4 ||    0 |    0 ||
|Ouri      ||    0 |    5 ||    0 |    2 ||    0 |    0 ||
|pokes     ||    0 |    5 ||    0 |    4 ||    0 |    0 ||
|Quazie    ||    0 |    5 ||    0 |    4 ||    0 |    0 ||
|Telnaior  ||    0 |    5 ||    0 |    2 ||    0 |    0 ||
|天火狐     ||    0 |    0 ||    0 |    2 ||    0 |    0 ||
           || Ore  |Steel ||Lumber|Papers||Cotton|Fabric||

Rules summary:
- You can only access the inventories of facilities at your location.
- You can give assets to any facility, regardless of owner.
- You can take assets from your own facilities.
- You can take assets from others' facilities if the owner gives you
  permission (express or implied).
- You can take assets from Agora's facilities, but no more than once in
  each Monday-to-Thursday period.

ID numbers in the following table refer to the map in the most recent
Cartographor report (of July 31, 2018).

| ID | Location | Description     | Owner      | Inventory             |
| 0  | ( 0,  0) | The Fountain    | Agora      |                       |
| 1  | (-1, -1) | Rank 1 Mine     | Agora      | 18 stones, 12 ore     |
| 2  | (-1, +1) | Rank 1 Orchard  | Agora      | 12 apples, 12 lumber  |
| 3  | (+1, -1) | Rank 1 Farm     | Agora      | 18 corn, 15 cotton    |
| 4  | (+1, +1) | Rank 1 Mine     | Agora      | 12 stones, 8 ore      |
|    | (+5, -1) | Loom            | Agora      |                       |
| 5  | (+1, +3) | Rank 1 Farm     | ATMunn     | 42 corn, 39 cotton    |
| 6  | ( 0, +2) | Refinery        | Corona     | 416 coins             |
| 7  | (+2, +2) | Rank 2 Mine     | Corona     | 12 stones, 8 ore      |
| 8  | (+2, +1) | Rank 2 Orchard  | Corona     | 12 apples, 12 lumber  |
| 9  | (+5,  0) | Rank 5 Orchard  | twg        | 15 apples, 15 lumber  |
| A  | (+2, -1) | Rank 2 Mine     | Corona     | 48 stones, 28 ore     |
| B  | (+2, -2) | Rank 2 Orchard  | Corona     | 39 apples, 36 lumber  |
| C  | (+1, -2) | Rank 2 Farm     | Corona     | 42 corn, 36 cotton    |
| D  | ( 0, -2) | Rank 1 Mine     | Trigon     | 27 stones, 18 ore     |
| E  | (+3, -2) | Rank 2 Mine     | G.         | 12 stones, 8 ore      |
| F  | (+4, -1) | Rank 3 Mine     | G.         | 18 stones, 12 ore     |
| G  | (+4,  0) | Rank 3 Orchard  | G.         | 18 apples, 18 lumber  |
| H  | (+3,  0) | Rank 3 Mine     | G.         | 18 stones, 12 ore     |
| I  | (+2,  0) | Rank 3 Orchard  | G.         | 18 apples, 18 lumber  |
| J  | (-1, +2) | Rank 5 Mine     | twg        | 15 stones, 10 ore     |
| K  | (+3, +1) | Loom            | Corona     |                       |
| L  | (-2,  0) | Rank 2 Orchard  | Corona     | 39 apples, 42 lumber  |
| M  | (-3,  0) | Rank 2 Mine     | Corona     | 12 stones, 8 ore      |
| O  | (+6, +1) | Rank 1 Mine     | Murphy     | 6 stones, 4 ore       |
| P  | (+6, +2) | Rank 1 Orchard  | Murphy     | 6 apples, 6 lumber    |
| Q  | (-4,  0) | Rank 3 Orchard  | Corona     | 18 apples, 18 lumber  |
| R  | (-5,  0) | Rank 3 Orchard  | Corona     | 18 apples, 18 lumber  |
| S  | (+3, -1) | Refinery        | G.         | 80 steel              |
|    | (+6, -3) | Refinery        | twg        |                       |
|    | (+5, +1) | Rank 1 Farm     | Murphy     | 6 corn, 6 cotton      |

The newest changes come first; all times are in UTC. This section does
not self-ratify. Entries marked % are new since the last report.

Monday, August 13, 2018
  % 00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Monday, August 6, 2018
  % 14:41    twg pays 3 apples to move and set land types; collects 12
             apples and 12 lumber from the orchard at (5, 0); and pays 6
             steel, 6 stones, 6 lumber and 2 fabric to upgrade the
             orchard at (5, 0) to Rank 5.

  % 14:31    twg pays 3 apples to move and collects 130 steel and 15
             fabric from the facilities at (6, -3) and (5, -1). Kenyon
             collects 12 stones and 8 ore from twg's mine at (-1, 2).
             twg transfers 6 steel, 6 lumber, 2 fabric and the mine at
             (-1, 2) to Kenyon. Kenyon pays 6 steel, 6 lumber, 6 stones
             and 2 fabric to upgrade the mine at (-1, 2) to Rank 5 and
             transfers 6 stones, 8 ore and the mine at (-1, 2) to twg.

    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Sunday, August 5, 2018
    21:08    Corona pays Agora 152 coins for land units.

    10:19    twg ratifies a portion of the Cartographor's weekly report
             of July 31, 2018, creating Rank 3 orchards in Corona's
             possession at (-4, 0) and (-5, 0). Corona retroactively
             pays 8 stones in upkeep costs at 22:20 on July 31, 2018.

Thursday, August 2, 2018
    15:02    twg pays 42 apples to set land types.

    14:23    Murphy pays 1 apple to move and collects 12 apples, 6
             lumber, 12 stones and 8 ore from the facilities at (6, 1)
             and (6, 2). Murphy pays 1 corn to stake a land claim and
             pays 3 lumber and 4 stones to build a farm at (5, 1).

Wednesday, August 1, 2018
    12:07    twg pays 3 apples to move; pays 4 lumber and 8 stones to
             build a refinery at (6, -3); and places 26 ore in the
             refinery at (6, -3).

    11:51    twg collects 36 apples and 36 lumber from the orchard at
             (5, 0). Kenyon collects 24 stones and 16 ore from twg's mine
             at (-1, 2). Kenyon transfers 10 coins, 24 stones, 5 apples,
             16 ore, 5 steel and 2 papers to twg. twg pays 1 corn to
             stake a land claim; pays 8 lumber and 4 stones to build a
             loom at (5, -1); and places 3 cotton in the loom at (5, -1).

    06:35    G. pays 8 apples to move; collects 80 steel, 24 stones, 16
             ore, 18 apples and 18 lumber from the facilities at (3, -1),
             (3, -2), (4, -1), (4, 0), (3, 0) and (2, 0); and places 16
             ore in the refinery at (3, -1).

    06:27    G. pays Agora 121 coins for a land unit.

    00:00    Upkeep costs are due. Trigon's loom at (1, -3) is destroyed.

    00:00    Payday! All players receive 10 coins, 5 apples and 2 papers.
             The following officers each receive 5 coins and 1 corn:
               - Associate Director of Personnel (Murphy)
               - Arbitor (Murphy)
               - Cartographor (Trigon)
               - Distributor (omd)
               - Herald (Publius Scribonius Scholasticus)
               - Promotor (Aris)
               - Registrar (Corona)
               - Speaker (G.)
               - Tailor (ATMunn)
               - Treasuror (twg)

Tuesday, July 31, 2018
    22:20    天火狐 transfers 20 coins, 24 stones, 124 apples, 16 ore, 5
             steel and 4 papers to Corona. Corona pays 6 steel, 7 lumber
             and 7 stones in upkeep costs.

    22:16    Corona pays 2 apples to move and collects 24 apples, 24
             lumber, 24 stones and 16 ore from the facilities at (2, 1)
             and (2, 2). Corona transfers 116 apples to 天火狐. 天火狐
             pays 2 apples to move and collects 24 stones and 16 ore
             from the mine at (-3, 0).

    16:58    twg transfers 76 coins to Kenyon. Kenyon pays Agora 152
             coins for land units.

    16:28    twg pays 6 lumber and 6 stones in upkeep costs.

Monday, July 30, 2018
    21:45    twg transfers 76 coins to Kenyon.

    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Thursday, July 26, 2018
    21:55    G. pays 3 steel in upkeep costs.

    21:20    G. pays 10 lumber and 8 stones in upkeep costs.

    20:29    A batch of proposals are adopted.
               - Separation of church and state: Incense no longer
               - Reining in the Von Neumann machines: Processing
                 Facilities no longer have ranks.
               - Crackdown on minting (reindustrialisation edition):
                 Steel is created to replace coins, which are reclassed
                 as an unrefinable currency.
               - Steel Based Manufacturing v3: 5 steel is given to every

Monday, July 23, 2018
    01:53    The Cartographor's weekly report of July 16, 2018
             self-ratifies, destroying 天火狐's orchards at (-4, 0) and
             (-5, 0).

[Sun Jul 23 01:16:18] G. makes Early Morning Deliveries (overnights coins to
twg and empties eir facilities, destroying 8 apples to move).

[Mon Jul 23 00:00] Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

[Sun Jul 22 19:16:33] twg and Kenyon move (spending 3 apples), loot facilities
and ship 10 ore to the foundry.

[Sun Jul 22 17:48:33] G. finishes unfinished business (loots Telnaior).

[Sun Jul 22 17:44:18] G. makes the usual rounds (spends 8 apples to move,
empties facilities and loads ore into eir refinery).

[Tue Jul 17 16:04:18] G. transfers 50 fabric to Trigon.

[Mon Jul 16 15:29:32] G. pays 290 coins for 5 land units.

[Mon Jul 16 15:24:17] G. collects 546 coins from eir refinery.

[Mon Jul 16 08:30:53] twg receives 338 coins from the foundry.

[Mon Jul 16 00:02:42] Aris destroys 11 paper to pend proposals.

[Mon Jul 16 00:00] Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

[Sun Jul 15 21:00:02] twg and Kenyon move around, empty facilities and sign up
to G.'s contract, shipping 26 ore to the foundry.

[Sun Jul 15 15:56:23] For good measure G. transfers 10 more paper to Aris.

[Sun Jul 15 15:47:40] G. transfers 10 paper to Aris now can e stop going on
about that

[Wed Jul 11 22:44:42] G. empties eir facilities and constructs a refinery.

[Tue Jul 10 18:57:17] Trigon retrieves eir fabric and gives it to G.

[Mon Jul 09 00:00] Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

[Sun Jul 08 23:07:13] Corona and 天火狐 continue running the economy into the
ground (move around, empty facilities and upgrade eir refinery to Rank 5)

[Sun Jul 08 20:30:36] Murphy gets started on this land thing (moves and creates
two facilities)

[Fri Jul 06 17:36:53] G. keeps making moves (moves, empties facilities and
upgrades a mine)

[Thu Jul 05 21:46:09] Aris pends a proposal with paper.

[Thu Jul 05 21:37:45] Trigon moves and builds a loom.

[Thu Jul 05 21:24:35] G. moves around, upgrades facilities and transfers 6
lumber to Trigon.

[Thu Jul 05 14:56:11] G. pends a proposal with paper.

[Thu Jul 05 07:31:32] twg pends a proposal with paper.

[Thu Jul 05 07:21:41] V.J. Rada pends a proposal with paper.

[Mon Jul 02 07:29:07] Corona pays 105 coins for eir 5 new land units.

[Mon Jul 02 00:00] Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

[Sun Jul 01 23:05:52] G. makes the rounds, emptying 4 facilities and upgrading

[Sun Jul 01 12:51:14] 5 incense each awarded to twg and Publius Scribonius
Scholasticus by proposal 8053.

[Sun Jul 01 10:25:03] twg and Kenyon upgrade facilities.

[Sun Jul 01 10:12:01] V.J. Rada pays 2 coins to Agora and loots Ouri.

[Sun Jul 01 09:46:46] Corona and 天火狐 move around (destroying 5 apples total)
and build some facilities (destroying 15 lumber and 11 stones total).

[Sun Jul 01 00:00] Payday! The following players receive salary for offices:
Murphy (x2); G. (x5); Trigon (x2); Corona (x2); V.J. Rada; Aris (x2); ATMunn;

[Sat Jun 30 19:28:43] Corona pays upkeep.

[Sat Jun 30 12:01:45] twg (via Kenyon) builds a mine.

[Fri Jun 29 11:18:51] Corona and 天火狐 move around (destroying 14 apples total)
and collect resources from 9 facilities.

[Wed Jun 27 22:54:02] Trigon pays 1 coin to Agora.

[Wed Jun 27 21:52:11] twg pays 20 coins to Agora and loots Kenyon.

[Wed Jun 27 21:09:01] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus pays 2 coins to Agora.

[Mon Jun 25 13:04:22] G. moves and loots a preserved facility.

[Mon Jun 25 00:46:12] V.J. Rada transfers 20 coins to twg.

[Mon Jun 25 00:00:00] Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

[Sun Jun 24 06:28:33] G. goes on a building spree, spending 6 apples, 15 lumber
and 10 stone in total and building 5 facilities

[Sun Jun 24 02:18:02] G. pays 33 coins to Agora for land auctions

[Fri Jun 22 18:58:06] Corona pays 39 coins to Agora for land auctions

[Mon Jun 18 00:00] new week begins (assets are produced in facilities)

[Sun Jun 17 23:38:23] Trigon moved to and built a mine at (0,-2),
destroying 4 apples and 5 lumber

[Sun Jun 17 23:09:03] Corona collected assets from (2,1)  moved around and
built facilities at (2,-1), (2,-2) and (1,-2). Total assets destroyed: 5
apples, 11 lumber, 9 coins and 12 stones

[Sun Jun 17 16:52:49] Murphy paid 14 coins to Agora for land auctions

[Sun Jun 17 22:32:00] Trigon nabbed stuffs at (+1,-1), (-1,-1), (-1,+1),
destroying 7 apples

[Thu Jun 14 23:04:03] VJ Rada pended the proposal “Pledges-b-gone” with

[Thu, 14 Jun 2018 03:48:19 – disputed, possibly occurred at a different
time] PSS received a welcome package as a consequence of proposal 8051
being adopted

[Wed Jun 13 16:32:51] ATMunn destroyed 2 incense to expunge blots

[Wed Jun 13 16:22:32] Corona destroyed 3 (more) incense to expunge blots

[Tue Jun 12 18:54:37] Corona destroyed 6 incense to expunge blots

[Tue Jun 12 08:25:03] Trigon moved around, failed to loot (-1,-1), and
failed to build an orchard at (0,-2), spending 6 apples and 2 coins

[Tue Jun 12 08:09:57] twg moved around, looted (1,1), and built an orchard
at (5,0), spending 7 apples and 5 stones

[Tue Jun 12 07:40:53] twg paid 6 coins to Agora for land auction

[Tue Jun 12 06:03:08] Corona paid 5 coins to Agora for land auction

[Tue Jun 12 01:39:56] VJ Rada created the contract “Contract Competition
Contract”, transferring a coin to Agora

[Tue Jun 12 01:30:16] VJ Rada created the contract “Sillyness by contract”
(sic), transferring a coin to Agora

[Tue Jun 12 01:11:30] G. paid 8 coins to Agora for land auction

[Sun Jun 10 21:52:39] G. gave 2 incense to Corona

[Sun Jun 10 21:23:36] Telnaior (G.) did a similar thing to o below,
destroying 69 coins (transferred to em by G.)

[Sun Jun 10 20:46:28] o, acted on behalf of G., used that dirty trick to
semicircumnavigate the world, destroying 14 apples and 28 coins total
(transferred to em by G.)

[Mon Jun 11 09:40:47] VJ Rada pended “IAR Repeal” with paper

[Mon Jun 11 00:00] new week begins (assets are produced in facilities)

[Sun Jun 10 19:44:17] Corona built & upgraded facilities, spending 3
apples, 11 coins, 13 lumber and 19 stones; Corona also put all eir ore in a

[Sun Jun 10 19:32:46] Corona, via Quazie, looted all public facilities,
spending 8 apples to move around

[Mon Jun 4 00:00] new week begins (assets are produced in facilities)

[Sun Jun 3 18:46:43] G. expunged a blot with 1 incense

[Fri Jun 1 18:17:07] Telnaior (acted on behalf of by G.) moved around using
a bug, destroying 6 apples, 10 coins total

[Fri Jun 1 17:29:46] Trigon attempted to loot the public orchard (-1,1). E
is standing elsewhere though.

[Fri Jun 1 17:07:37] G. moved around, destroying 6 coins, 1 apple total

[Fri Jun 1 16:55:04] G. robbed the graves of o, omd, Telnaior, pokes

[Fri Jun 1 16:42:03] o (acted on behalf of by G.) moved around using a bug,
destroying 5 apples, 10 coins total

[Fri Jun 01 00:00] new month began (payday). Some facilities were destroyed

[Thu May 24 21:46:42] twg registered and got a welcome package

[Mon May 21 05:39:56 UTC 2018] Corona & Quazie each paid 12 coins to Agora
for land units (+2,-2),(+2,-1)

[Mon May 21 05:37:32 UTC 2018] Corona paid Agora 25 coins for zombie 天火狐,
looted eir body

[Mon May 21 00:00] new week begins (assets are produced in facilities)

[Sun May 20 21:41:41] Trigon paid Agora 11 coins for land unit (+4,0)

[Sun May 20 19:52:54] G. & o each paid 15 coins to Agora for land units
(+2,-1), (+3,0)

[Sun May 20 19:49:44] G. paid Agora 30 coins for zombie Telnaior, looted
eir body

[Mon May 14 04:03:54] VJ Rada looted PSS’s corpse

[Mon May 14 00:00] new week begins (assets are produced in facilities)

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