Herald’s Weekly report

Date of Last Report: 15 Sep 2018
Date of This Report: 23 Sep 2018

Karma    Entity
+5       twg
+2       Aris
+2       Corona
+2       Trigon
+2       D. Margaux
+2       G.
+1       ATMunn
-1       omd
-2       Murphy
-3       Gaelan
-5       VJ Rada
-5       CuddleBeam
All other entities have 0 Karma.

Notices of Honour:

G. (23 Sep 2018)
-1 Aris (for persisting with group of low-quorum proposals).
+1 D. Margaux (for finding bugs after several votings).

[New Week]

D. Margaux (15 Sep 2018)
-1 D. Margaux (misnaming G.)
+1 G. (being gracious about that misnaming)

[New Week]

G. (9 Sep 2018)
-1 Trigon (being generally MIA on land)
+1 D. Margaux (keeping up officer report standards via SJ)

[New Week]

[New Week]

G. 29 Aug 2018
-1 G (not reading proposals carefully)
+1 D. Margaux (reading carefully and researching back beyond eir tenure)

twg 26 Aug 2018
[attempted to issue a Notice of Honour, but failed because it was eir
second that week]

twg (20 Aug 2018)
-1 Corona (violating rule 2201/7, which e cannot be formally fined for
because it occurred more than 14 days ago)
+1 Trigon (due to these errors in the previous report, twg believed
that Trigon did not have a zombie at the time of the last proposal
distribution; Trigon attempted to point this out, but e didn't listen properly)

[New Week]

[New Week]

[New Week]

Trigon (4 Aug 18)
+1 twg (being a good, friendly Agoran)
-1 Trigon (needlessly calling twg cruel and being initially ungrateful)

twg (4 Aug 18)
-1 twg (being nitpicky)
+1 Trigon (being patient with the nitpicks)

[New Week]

[New Week]

G. (19 Jul 18)
-1 G. for fleeing from office leaving unresolved CoEs.
+1 twg for fixing.

[New Week]

G. (9 Jul 18)
-1 Trigon (for not tracking land stuff)
+1 twg (for tracking land stuff)

[New Week]

G. (5 Jul 18)
+1 Trigon - however this is resolved, it's been a heck of a ride.
-1 Aris - never participating, but quick to want to disassemble.

[New Week]

twg (28 Jun 2018)
+1 omd (fixing agora-official)
-1 Gaelan (inactive)

[New Week]

twg (18 Jun 2018)
+1 Trigon (extremely entertaining apology)
-1 omd (inactivity; mail server problems)

[New Week]

Trigon(12 Jun 2018)
+1 twg (actually doing stuff)
-1 Trigon (slacking off so much on eir job)

[New Week]

Corona (10 Jun 2018)
-1 Alexis (normalizing)
+1 CuddleBeam (normalizing)

[New Week]

G. (1 Jun 2018)
+1 twg (finding a lovely bug)
-1 Kenyon (may have seen the bug sooner if Ruleset updated)

[New Week]

Corona (23 May 2018)
-1 Telnaior (inactive)
+1 Quazie (inactive)

[New Week]

ATMunn (3 May 2018)
+1 Corona (Treasuror report)
-1 ATMunn (procrastinating on Tailor script)

G. (3 May 2018)
+1 Corona (catching up the balance sheet)
-1 Gaelan (former treasuror who didn't keep up so much)

[New Week]

Aris (29 Apr 2018)
-1 o (inactive)
+1 Trigon (PAoaM)

[New Week]

Trigon (13 Apr 2018)
+1 Aris (eir patching work)
-1 Telnaior (inactive)

Corona (12 Apr 2018)
-1 天火狐 (being inactive)
+1 Agora (rebalancing)

April Karmic Balance
-1 Alexis
+1 ProofTechnique
+1 Ienpw III
-1 Agora

VJ Rada (11 Apr 2018)
-1 o (not existing, karma high)
+1 Kenyon (rulekeeping)

ATMunn (8 Apr 2018)
+1 CuddleBeam (rebalancing)
-1 Aris (rebalancing)

[New Week]

G. (2 Apr 2018)
+1 Gaelan (an excellent April Fools)
-1 G. (falling for it)

[New Week]

ATMunn (20 Mar 2018)
-1 ATMunn (positive karma inertia, and deregistering)
+1 CuddleBeam (being a good, contributing player recently)

[New Week]

Murphy (19 Mar 2018)
-1 Murphy (needing to be
reminded about election resolution)
+1 G. (reminding Murphy)

G. (19 Mar 2018)
-1 G. (making Aris hunt for a pend message)
+1 Aris (leading the land fix proposal)

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