


   Coins    Active player
   -----    -------------
      12    ATMunn
      18    Aris
       1    Corona
       9    CuddleBeam
     611    D. Margaux
     412    G.
      10    Hālian
      10    L.
      14    Murphy
       6    omd
       8    Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
      10    Trigon
      44    twg

   Coins    Zombie
   -----    ------
       0    Gaelan
       0    nichdel
       4    pokes
       0    Telnaior
       3    天火狐
      14    V.J. Rada

   Coins    Non-player entity
   -----    -----------------
    1097    Agora
      12    Lost and Found Department


   Asset class    Recordkeepor
   -----------    ------------
   Coins          Treasuror
   Blots          Referee

All times are in UTC. % marks an entry new since the last report.

Saturday, October 27, 2018
  % 14:26    Proposal 8110, "Delenda Est", is adopted, destroying all
             ore, stones, lumber, apples, cotton, corn, papers, fabric
             and steel.

Monday, October 22, 2018
  % 00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Saturday, October 20, 2018
  % 14:02    Hālian receives a Welcome Package of 10 coins, 5 lumber,
             5 stones, 10 apples, 3 paper and 5 steel. L. receives a
             Welcome Package of 10 coins, 5 lumber, 5 stones, 10 apples,
             3 paper and 5 steel.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
    00:15    o, Kenyon, Quazie and Ouri are deregistered and their
             assets become property of the Lost and Found Department.

Monday, October 15, 2018
    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Thursday, October 11, 2018
    23:42    The First Bank of Agora is terminated and its assets become
             property of the Lost and Found Department. G. transfers
             1006 coins from the Lost and Found Department to emself.
             G. transfers 606 coins to D. Margaux.

Monday, October 8, 2018
    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Sunday, October 7, 2018
    23:45    The Cartographor's weekly report of September 30, 2018
             self-ratifies. D. Margaux's orchard at (-3, 1) is destroyed.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
    17:45    twg eats 12 apples. twg collects 45 corn from eir farm at
             (6, -2). twg eats 126 corn.

    14:29    D. Margaux transfers 1 coin to nichdel. nichdel pays Agora
             1 coin for a land unit.

Monday, October 1, 2018
    00:50    A batch of proposals are adopted.
               - 8080 "From each according to eir means v3": Gaelan
                 transfers 10 coins to G. nichdel transfers 10 coins to
                 D. Margaux. Telnaior transfers 30 coins to Aris. ATMunn
                 loses 102 coins. Aris loses 154 coins. Corona loses 9
                 coins. D. Margaux loses 49 coins. G. loses 100 coins.
                 Murphy loses 122 coins. omd loses 54 coins. Publius
                 Scribonius Scholasticus loses 65 coins. Trigon loses
                 84 coins. twg loses 396 coins. V.J. Rada loses 121
                 coins. Kenyon loses 9 coins. o loses 36 coins. Ouri
                 loses 27 coins. pokes loses 36 coins. Quazie loses 36
                 coins. 天火狐は27コインを失う。
               - 8082 "Gamestate correction for July 2018": 54 apples
                 and 54 lumber are created in Corona's possession.

    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

    00:00    Upkeep costs are due. No facilities are destroyed.

    00:00    Payday! All players receive 10 coins, 5 apples and 2 papers.
             The following officers each receive 5 coins and 1 corn:
               - Associate Director of Personnel (Murphy)
               - Arbitor (Murphy)
               - Assessor (twg)
               - Cartographor (Trigon)
               - Distributor (omd)
               - Prime Minister (Aris)
               - Promotor (Aris)
               - Referee (D. Margaux)
               - Registrar (G.)
               - Tailor (twg)
               - Treasuror (twg)

Sunday, September 30, 2018
    23:05    D. Margaux transfers 30 coins to nichdel. D. Margaux
             transfers 606 coins to the First Bank of Agora. nichdel
             transfers 30 coins to D. Margaux.

    23:02    G. transfers 400 coins to the First Bank of Agora.

Saturday, September 29, 2018
    23:40    D. Margaux pays 23 apples to move and collects
             180 stones, 116 ore, 352 apples, 352 lumber, 78 corn and
             72 cotton from eir facilities at (2, 2), (2, 1), (2, -1),
             (2, -2), (1, -2), (-2, 0), (-3, 0), (-4, 0) and (-5, 0).

    12:34    D. Margaux pays 2 apples to move and collects 416 coins
             from eir refinery at (0, 2). D. Margaux pays 3 steel, 7
             lumber and 15 stones in upkeep costs.

Friday, September 28, 2018
    22:43    twg pays Agora 15 coins for a land unit. Kenyon pays Agora
             1 coin for a land unit. Kenyon transfers 9 coins, 5 apples
             and 2 papers to twg.

    21:54    Corona transfers 163 coins, 89 stones, 134 apples, 49 corn,
             32 ore, 1 steel, 20 lumber, 39 papers, 233 fabric and eir
             facilities at (0, 2), (2, 2), (2, 1), (2, -1), (2, -2),
             (1, -2), (-2, 0), (-3, 0), (-4, 0) and (-5, 0) to
             D. Margaux.

    19:32    D. Margaux transfers 3 apples to nichdel. nichdel pays 3
             apples to move and collects 12 corn and 12 cotton from D.
             Margaux's farm at (-2, 1). D. Margaux pays 2 lumber in
             upkeep costs and 5 stones to build an orchard at (-3, 1).
             D. Margaux collects 18 stones and 12 ore from eir mine at
             (-2, 2). nichdel transfers 12 corn, 5 steel, 8 papers and
             12 cotton to D. Margaux.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
    22:06    The Treasuror's weekly report of September 18, 2018
             self-ratifies, destroying 15 corn and 15 cotton in the
             possession of twg's farm at (6, 3).

Monday, September 24, 2018
    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Saturday, September 22, 2018
    15:59    D. Margaux pays Agora 1 coin for a land unit. nichdel
             pays Agora 1 coin for a land unit.

Monday, September 17, 2018
    08:40    Proposal 8092, "Yet Another Economics Patch", is adopted,
             destroying all incense.

    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Thursday, September 13, 2018
    19:21    D. Margaux transfers 1 incense to Agora. D. Margaux
             transfers 1 incense to twg.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
    21:19    twg pays 9 apples and 4 corn to move and set land types;
             collects 75 stones and 50 ore from eir mine at (-1, 2);
             and transfers 50 ore to Kenyon. Kenyon transfers 50 ore to
             twg's refinery at (6, -3).

Tuesday, September 11, 2018
    14:41    nichdel collects 24 stones and 16 ore from the mine at
             (1, 1). nichdel transfers 24 stones and 16 ore to
             D. Margaux.

Monday, September 10, 2018
    12:45    twg transfers 16 apples, 2 corn and 8 ore to Kenyon. Kenyon
             pays 16 apples and 2 corn to move and set land types;
             collects 30 stones, 20 ore, 45 apples and 45 lumber from
             the facilities at (-1, -1) and (5, 0); transfers 28 ore to
             twg's refinery at (6, -3); and transfers 30 stones, 45
             apples and 45 lumber to twg.

    04:31    twg pays 16 apples and 2 corn to move and set land types;
             collects 75 corn and 72 cotton from the farms at (6, -2)
             and (1, -1); and pays 16 lumber, 17 stones, 18 steel and
             4 fabric to build and upgrade a farm at (6, 3).

    01:37    D. Margaux transfers 1 coin to nichdel.

    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Sunday, September 9, 2018
    17:48    nichdel pays 6 apples to move and transfers 14 apples, 5
             steel and 8 paper to D. Margaux. D. Margaux collects 3
             stones and 2 ore from eir mine at (-2, 2) and pays 3 steel
             and 2 lumber to upgrade it to Rank 2.

    17:25    Gaelan transfers 77 coins, 14 stones, 43 apples, 2 corn, 6
             ore, 5 steel, 2 lumber and 16 papers to G.

    17:17    D. Margaux pays Agora 1 coin for a zombie. nichdel
             transfers 40 coins to D. Margaux.

    16:57    G. pays Agora 35 coins for a zombie.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018
    06:46    Aris pays Agora 30 coins for a zombie.

Monday, September 3, 2018
    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Saturday, September 1, 2018
    20:04    D. Margaux pays 3 apples to stake a land claim and pays 5
             lumber to build a mine at (-2, 2).

    00:00    Upkeep costs are due. The facilities at (3, -2), (4, -1),
             (4, 0), (3, 0), (2, 0), (3, 1) and (3, -1) are destroyed
             and their contents (64 ore, 96 stones, 72 lumber, 72 apples
             and 80 steel) become property of the Lost and Found

    00:00    Payday! All players receive 10 coins, 5 apples and 2 papers.
             The following officers each receive 5 coins and 1 corn:
               - Associate Director of Personnel (Murphy)
               - Arbitor (Murphy)
               - Assessor (twg)
               - Cartographor (Trigon)
               - Distributor (omd)
               - Herald (Publius Scribonius Scholasticus)
               - Prime Minister (Aris)
               - Promotor (Aris)
               - Speaker (Publius Scribonius Scholasticus)
               - Tailor (twg)
               - Treasuror (twg)

Friday, August 31, 2018
    21:00    Corona pays 3 steel, 7 lumber and 15 stones in upkeep

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
    21:35    D. Margaux pays 5 apples to move and stake a land claim,
             collects 18 apples and 18 lumber from the orchard at
             (-1, 1) and pays 3 lumber and 4 stones to build a farm at
             (-2, 1).

Monday, August 27, 2018
    17:01    twg pays 12 stones, 12 lumber and 3 steel in upkeep costs.

    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Saturday, August 25, 2018
    22:02    D. Margaux receives a Welcome Package of 10 coins, 5
             lumber, 5 stones, 10 apples, 3 paper, 5 incense and 5

Thursday, August 23, 2018
    23:12    twg pays Agora 1 coin for a land unit. twg collects 30
             apples and 30 lumber from the orchard at (5, 0). twg pays 3
             apples to move and pays 16 lumber, 17 stones, 18 steel and
             4 fabric to build and upgrade a farm at (6, -2).

Monday, August 20, 2018
    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Thursday, August 16, 2018
    05:58    Trigon pays Agora 1 coin for a land unit.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018
    08:36    G. transfers the facilities at (3, -2), (4, -1), (4, 0),
             (3, 0), (2, 0) and (3, -1), 106 stones, 131 apples, 24
             corn, 82 steel, 50 lumber, 37 papers, 3 cotton and 38
             fabric to Murphy.

Monday, August 13, 2018
    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Monday, August 6, 2018
    14:41    twg pays 3 apples to move and set land types; collects 12
             apples and 12 lumber from the orchard at (5, 0); and pays 6
             steel, 6 stones, 6 lumber and 2 fabric to upgrade the
             orchard at (5, 0) to Rank 5.

    14:31    twg pays 3 apples to move and collects 130 steel and 15
             fabric from the facilities at (6, -3) and (5, -1). Kenyon
             collects 12 stones and 8 ore from twg's mine at (-1, 2).
             twg transfers 6 steel, 6 lumber, 2 fabric and the mine at
             (-1, 2) to Kenyon. Kenyon pays 6 steel, 6 lumber, 6 stones
             and 2 fabric to upgrade the mine at (-1, 2) to Rank 5 and
             transfers 6 stones, 8 ore and the mine at (-1, 2) to twg.

    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

Sunday, August 5, 2018
    21:08    Corona pays Agora 152 coins for land units.

    10:19    twg ratifies a portion of the Cartographor's weekly report
             of July 31, 2018, creating Rank 3 orchards in Corona's
             possession at (-4, 0) and (-5, 0). Corona retroactively
             pays 8 stones in upkeep costs at 22:20 on July 31, 2018.

Thursday, August 2, 2018
    15:02    twg pays 42 apples to set land types.

    14:23    Murphy pays 1 apple to move and collects 12 apples, 6
             lumber, 12 stones and 8 ore from the facilities at (6, 1)
             and (6, 2). Murphy pays 1 corn to stake a land claim and
             pays 3 lumber and 4 stones to build a farm at (5, 1).

Wednesday, August 1, 2018
    12:07    twg pays 3 apples to move; pays 4 lumber and 8 stones to
             build a refinery at (6, -3); and places 26 ore in the
             refinery at (6, -3).

    11:51    twg collects 36 apples and 36 lumber from the orchard at
             (5, 0). Kenyon collects 24 stones and 16 ore from twg's mine
             at (-1, 2). Kenyon transfers 10 coins, 24 stones, 5 apples,
             16 ore, 5 steel and 2 papers to twg. twg pays 1 corn to
             stake a land claim; pays 8 lumber and 4 stones to build a
             loom at (5, -1); and places 3 cotton in the loom at (5, -1).

    06:35    G. pays 8 apples to move; collects 80 steel, 24 stones, 16
             ore, 18 apples and 18 lumber from the facilities at (3, -1),
             (3, -2), (4, -1), (4, 0), (3, 0) and (2, 0); and places 16
             ore in the refinery at (3, -1).

    06:27    G. pays Agora 121 coins for a land unit.

    00:00    Upkeep costs are due. Trigon's loom at (1, -3) is destroyed.

    00:00    Payday! All players receive 10 coins, 5 apples and 2 papers.
             The following officers each receive 5 coins and 1 corn:
               - Associate Director of Personnel (Murphy)
               - Arbitor (Murphy)
               - Cartographor (Trigon)
               - Distributor (omd)
               - Herald (Publius Scribonius Scholasticus)
               - Promotor (Aris)
               - Registrar (Corona)
               - Speaker (G.)
               - Tailor (ATMunn)
               - Treasuror (twg)

Tuesday, July 31, 2018
    22:20    天火狐が20硬貨と24小石と124林檎と16鉱石と5鋼と4紙をCoronaに与える。
             Corona pays 6 steel, 7 lumber and 7 stones in upkeep costs.

    22:16    Corona pays 2 apples to move and collects 24 apples, 24
             lumber, 24 stones and 16 ore from the facilities at (2, 1)
             and (2, 2). Corona transfers 116 apples to 天火狐.
             天火狐は(-3, 0)の鉱山から24小石と16鉱石を集める。

    16:58    twg transfers 76 coins to Kenyon. Kenyon pays Agora 152
             coins for land units.

    16:28    twg pays 6 lumber and 6 stones in upkeep costs.

Monday, July 30, 2018
    21:45    twg transfers 76 coins to Kenyon.

    00:00    Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

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